Fitness Magazine

A Week of Streak - Week Two

By Khourianya @khourianya
A Week of Streak - Week Two
Well - I'm still going!  Yay me!
This was such a hectic day for me.  A three hour long morning commute culminated in my discovering my access card to the office (and my heated parking) had gone missing and so I spent the day worried and stressed out. I did a Kettleworx core workout at lunch and then, after the kids took too long to settle down, I hit the treadie with half an episode of Gossip Girl and knocked off 3k.
A Week of Streak - Week Two
My commutes since the storm hit last week have been more hellish than usual and I am exhausted.  I decided to go to bed early on Tuesday to see if that would help with my general well being and that meant I needed to get the mile in at lunch.  I decided to walk my errands over my lunch break and got in 2k walking to the fabric store and back.  It also got me outside for the first time since the streak began.
A Week of Streak - Week Two
Had to watch the other half of that episode form Monday :D
A Week of Streak - Week Two
I decided to run errands at lunch so had to get in my run on the treadmill...Gossip Girl helped the time pass.  I find I can ignore the fact I am on a hamster wheel if I distract myself with TV.
A Week of Streak - Week Two
Got in a 2.5k rualk after my body couldn't decide if it wanted to walk or run.
A Week of Streak - Week Two
Decided I didn't want to run into the same problem I had last week so hit the treadie first thing in the morning and finished off the episode I started on Friday...another 3k done.  And it's a good thing I got it done early because I spent the evening dealing with sick kid stuff...
A Week of Streak - Week Two

Long run day. Met Tina for 14k.  Ended up running out of path (thank you yyc flood)
A Week of Streak - Week Two
and offroading it for 3k.  Ended up with 15k on a day I really didn't feel like doing anything.  
A Week of Streak - Week Two
and a mid-month Dietbet update...
It is going REALLY well.  I'm not dropping pounds super fast, but I am really close to the goal weight for this month. Only 2.5lbs to go.

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