Food & Drink Magazine

A Nook is Not a Book

By Yonni @vegandthecity
A Nook is Not a Book I am an avid reader and have been ever since I was a little girl.  I had every Nancy Drew book ever written and thought sleuthing (is that a word?) was just the coolest thing, and then I'd read The Little House in the Big Woods series, wear my hair in braided pigtails and want to melt snow in a pan with maple syrup and turn it into candy like Laura did!  As I got older, Anne Frank's Diary changed my life, James Patterson compelled me to read one mystery after another (keeping all the lights on while doing so!) and Bridges of Madison County broke my heart.
A Nook is Not a Book
I've mentioned before that I am in a book group, and when I can I read even more than the monthly selection, but I cannot grab hold of a story while reading off a nook, an ipad or my iphone like I can when I hold a book in my hand.  I love technology.  Here you are, reading my blog after all, and I email, text and play Words with Friends all the time.  I just love turning the pages, dogearing passages that speak to me, and even sometimes highlighting or making notes in the margins.  It pained me to watch so many bookstores close, but one of the highlights of my vacation in Vermont was finding Northshire Books in Manchester Center.
A Nook is Not a BookIt is massive (3 stories), it is packed with books of every shape, size and genre, from knitting to history to Jodi Picoult (whose new book, The Storyteller, is fabulous ~ I bought it there), to kids books and more.  Did I mention they have a full calendar of events too, not to mention a gift section, a crafts section and an airy comfortable snack and read place to sit and treasure your new find.  The snacks can be purchased in their cafe, another little nook of fun.
A Nook is Not a BookA Nook is Not a BookHow thrilled was I see to a vegan soup on the otherwise non-vegan menu, or to order a soy cafe au lait onto which I sprinkled some powdered cocoa?  They even had gluten-free vegan cookies in the freezer to go!  I was with one of my best friends, bought a book for me and three for my son (we love the 39 Clues series and read them as a family), and enjoyed a hot, steamy cup of vegan goodness as a mid-afternoon treat.  Oh - and it's right by the Outlets...Theory, J. Crew, Vineyard was a wonderful afternoon! Their coffee cups read: Relax, Rejuvenate, Refuel.  I did.  Go and you will too.

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