Destinations Magazine

A Must-See in Cordoba – The Mezquita

By Ingridd @cosytraveler

We usually stay away from touristic places, but the Mezquita in Cordoba is too magnificent to skip.

Anyway, Lars and I arrived there early in the morning of a hot day in August.

What does Wikipedia have to say about this architectural gem?

According to a traditional account, a small Visigoth church, the Catholic Basilica of Saint Vincent of Lérins, originally stood on the site. In 784 Abd al-Rahman I ordered construction of the Great Mosque, which was considerably expanded by later Muslim rulers. Córdoba returned to Christian rule in 1236 during the Reconquista, and the building was converted to a Roman Catholic church, culminating in the insertion of a Renaissance cathedral nave in the 16th century.

I had been here before when I was still in my twenties, but I had forgotten how breathtaking the Mezquita was. For Lars, on the other hand, it was his first visit.

Take your time to admire - and photograph - all the details!

One last look...

Check out the official website of the Mezquita; it has a lot of practical information.

In our next post, we will take you on our foodie adventures in Cordoba. Not to be read on an empty stomach!

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