Baseball Magazine

A Lot of Stuff Happened On July 4th

By Theomnipotentq @TheMightyQuinn
A Lot of Stuff Happened On July 4thTrivia will be happening this Tuesday night, July 3rd at 8:30 PM, with "July 4th Trivia" as the Special Category. I will be seven questions about stuff that has happened in history on the day of our independence. (Yes, a lot more than you think has happened on July 4th.) The Q Train lightning round will be "True or False Trivia."
The Sneak Peek question for this week is:
"What city will host the 2020 Summer Olympic Games?"
The crowds have been steadily increasing as we have passed into summer, so make sure you get in early enough to get a good seat or table. I look forward to seeing many of you on Tuesday night!

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