Entertainment Magazine

7 Greatest Performances: Christian Bale

Posted on the 31 January 2019 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Christian Bale is quite possibly one of the greatest British actors of all time. Causing chaos at the Golden Globes when some people didn't realise that he is Welsh! I found that very amusing but also confirmation that he is therefore a truly outstanding actor! He has been nominated four times for an Oscar-winning for his supporting role in The Fighter.

He is very well-known for his serious method acting and really becoming the character. This has resulted in serious weight loss and weight gain over the years to achieve a totally different look. Not forgetting his working out to become Batman for Christopher Nolan!

He is certainly one of my favourite actors and here are my choices for his 7 Greatest performances . . . (So far) . . .

I don't even care if this is a slight cheat as it combines three films, but the sheer brilliance of Nolan's Batman giving Bale the chance to really develop Bruce Wayne over three films is something special to witness. His performance in each film is outstanding and he is given some amazing co-stars to play off against.

His Oscar-winning role as Dicky who was once a promising boxer and now attempting to be his half brothers trainer. Battling a drug addiction for the character meant that Bale had to lose a lot of weight to look right for the role.

I was blown away by this film when I first saw it and thought Bale managed to add another genre to his very impressive film resume and well worth it with this western. His character had a much softer side than he would first let on and actually did care deep down.

I can still remember seeing this film at the cinema and being totally blown away by the twist at the end, still outstanding thinking about it now. Another Nolan film which was released the year after Batman Begins. He takes on the task of playing two characters and this was certainly a joy to watch.

This was a film that I only caught up with last year and have to say that Bale managed the psychotic role very well as Patrick Bateman. Having amazing charm and charisma and then turning in a second to a killer. The film caused outrage with the ultra violence it shows in it.

At only 13 years of age Bale took on the role of Jim in this Spielberg film and I think you can really tell he was set for an amazing career. He had to put in such an emotional performance in this role and it really is impressive to watch.

Oscar nominated for an actor in a leading role he is very impressive as Dick Cheney and another role in which he had to go through some body changes as he put on a lot of weight to become the character. Cheney is the most influential Vice President the United States has ever had and who better to take on that role than Bale?

What are your favourite Christian Bale performances?

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