Self Expression Magazine

5 Ways Other Bloggers Help to Boost Readership Of Your Blog

By Lisa @Lisapatb
5 Ways Other Bloggers Help to Boost Readership Of Your Blog

It’s a battle to get a consistent number of readers to your blog and boost your blog readership. It can feel like a constant battle. Luckily though, it doesn’t have to be something you do alone.

boost readershipLearn to boost the readership of your blog while working with other bloggers.

Boost Blog Readership via Other Bloggers

Learn how you can engage with other bloggers to boost the readership of your blog and their blogs as well. Below are seven ways you can work with other bloggers for mutual benefits like boosting readership at your blog.

Learn seven ways you can work with other bloggers for mutual benefits like to boost readership at your blog. #bloggingtips
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1. Write Guest Posts for Each Other’s Blogs to Boost Readership

Having a fresh perspective on your blog isn’t hard to do if you allow other bloggers to write guest posts for you, and return the favor. However, make sure the domain authority is high for the other blogs.

guest blogging to boost readership
By guest blogging, you can generate new readers and boost your readership.

Domain authority is a measurement developed by Moz that looks at how many other sites are linking to a particular place on the web. A significant amount of domain authority usually indicates a site is well respected.

There’s also a MozBar add-on that you can download within your browser.

2. Try Linky Parties, Roundups, and Link Ups

Together, these are all methods of either posting your content on another person’s blog, or opening up your blog for others to post things there.

It’s a great way to get more exposure. Sometimes, linky parties even feature specific themes, which might make them more fun.

Be sure it’s in the niche that you want to draw readers in from. There is no sense in being in a blog link party that is non-related to your blog topics.

3. Promote and Link to Other Bloggers To Boost Readership

Everyone likes to be recognized. If you find some cool content on another person’s blog, feel free to call attention to it in your blog. Then link back to the original content.

Doing that might be enough to improve readership at the other blog and also give the impression you’ve got your finger on the pulse of cool content.

However, you should also go a step further and reach out to the other blogger to thank him or her for the job well done. This helps create relationships that extend far beyond just one great post.

promote other bloggers
Promote other bloggers when you can and they may return the favor.

However, you should also go a step further and reach out to the other blogger to thank him or her for the job well done. #bloggingtips
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4. Do Group Giveaways or Hold Blog Awards

If you already have established relationships with a few great bloggers, why not team up with them to either offer some sort of giveaway across all your respective blogs? Or hold blog awards? Either of these options could help generate interest from casual and loyal readers alike.

top consultant award
Inspire To Thrive’s recent award from Up City.

Of course, holding blog awards could help you widen your blogging network even more by attracting entrants from all niches. This is a great way to boost the readership of your blog.

5. Turn Your Blog Into a Collaborative Space

At the beginning of this piece, it was discussed how guest posts can give a fresh perspective to your blog. If you get especially good results from that approach, try going all the way by transitioning your site into a collaborative blog. This option can also work well if you’re looking for some engaging graphics to spice up your blog.

Maybe you’re already a very strong writer and don’t want to mess with what you know works, but know your blog looks a little bland. Think about making your blog more appealing by partnering with a blogger.

collaborate with other bloggers
Learn to collaborate with other bloggers to boost readership at both blogs.

Make sure that the blogger primarily focuses on the visual realm and keeps words to a minimum. By pooling your strengths, you can learn and grow together. This can boost readership at both blogs which would be the best of both worlds.

6. Advertise Your Blog

There are more ways today than ever before to advertise your blog. I like native ads such as Taboola’s ad program. It’s easy to set up and cost-efficient. However, there are other ways such as:

  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Pinterest Ads
  • Quora Ads
  • Reddit Ads
  • Yahoo Ads
  • Other native platforms
  • Banner ads on other websites or blogs

7. Use SEO For Your Blog

If you blog, you want people to read it. And one great way to get more readers is to optimize your blog for search engines with SEO.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it refers to the process of making your blog more visible on search engine results pages. By optimizing your blog for SEO, you can attract more readers organically – that is, without having to pay for advertising.

There are several things you can do to optimize your blog for SEO. Here are some tips:

  • Use keyword-rich titles: Make sure your blog post titles include relevant keywords for your topic. This will help search engines match your posts with relevant searches.
  • Use keywords throughout your post: In addition to using keywords in your titles, use them throughout your blog post. Use them in the body of your post, in the alt text for images, and in any blog tags or categories you use.
  • Link to other posts on your blog: Internal links – that is, links from one blog post to another on the same site – can help search engines understand the structure of your blog and can give them clues about which blog posts are most important.
  • Use social media: Social media signals – such as likes, shares, and comments – can help improve your blog’s SEO. When you share your blog posts on social media, you’re giving them another avenue to be found by readers.

By following these tips, you can make your blog more visible on search engine results pages – and attract more readers to your blog.

Conclusion: How to Boost Readership of Your Blog

Blogging is certainly an activity that often allows you to get more done if you depend on the expertise of others.

Finally, get inspired by the ideas above. Next, see if they help you enjoy higher traffic rates and more influence in the blogging world.

How have you been able to boost readership at your blog recently?

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