Books Magazine

5 Summertime Suggestions For A Better You

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni

5 Summertime Suggestions For A Better You


Right now, I’m sitting on my screened in back porch loving that it’s a June summer day. It’s a little humid, and it rained earlier, but now the sky is blue and the sun is out. The breeze is rippling the trees. It’s invigorating.

I look at summer as a time to unwind a little and a time to try to enjoy the simple things in life: a barbecue with friends and family; days spent at the beach; squeezing in a little travel; cocktails at the pool; watching my son play golf; and seeing my daughter perform in her dance intensive in July.

I love this time and wouldn’t trade it for the world. Today, I’d like you to consider making this your best summer ever, and I’ve pulled five inspirational quotes to help you frame some personal goals.

5 Summertime Suggestions For A Better You
Consider writing about your summer, or better yet, parts of your life that you want to capture. Start to write down stories of your life. In my magazine writing class, the students write a memoir, and I ask them to think of it this way: write a chapter of your life that would go into a bigger memoir. At Monday night’s book talk at the Broadneck Library, one of the things I suggested to folks in the room was to write down their stories. A collection of stories of your life can be passed down from one generation to another, and it’s a way to never forget things that have happened in a family’s history. Even if you are not a writer, you may want to record memories that should last a lifetime. What a great way to spend a summer’s day.
5 Summertime Suggestions For A Better You
Live for now. Do the things you want to do now; don’t wait for later. There is no time like the present. There are so many things going on during the summer months—festivals, day trips to take, new restaurants to try, summer concerts, and outdoor activities. Make the most of your days and don’t delay.
5 Summertime Suggestions For A Better You
Always be yourself. You are who you are. People will love you or they won’t. They accept you or they don’t. Don’t waste time on those who don’t like you just the way you are. Life is too short for fake anything, including fake friends. Spend time with those who care about you and make you a priority.
5 Summertime Suggestions For A Better You
Last summer, I disconnected from Facebook for two months. I wrote a novel, spent time with my family, vacationed, and read some books. I even strolled a town all by myself for a day. I will always remember it and appreciate it. Spending time by yourself is rejuvenating. Making your own memories are important.
5 Summertime Suggestions For A Better You
I don’t care for negativity. In fact, it’s one characteristic I dislike tremendously. While it may not always be practical, I try to take the approach of seeing the sunny side of everything because it beats the alternative. Why not always attempt to find the positive in people, places, and things? Why not try this approach? What do you have to lose?

5 Summertime Suggestions For A Better You
Stephanie Verni is Professor of Business Communication at Stevenson University and is the author of Inn Significant, Baseball Girl, and Beneath the Mimosa Tree. Along with her colleagues Leeanne Bell McManus and Chip Rouse, she is a co-author of Event Planning: Communicating Theory and Practice, published by Kendall-Hunt.

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