Marketing & Advertising Magazine

5 Apps That Challenge Your Brain Health

Posted on the 03 April 2018 by Mark Pedersen @purelythemes

Technology has finally taken over the world. Though it has been a part of our lives for two to three centuries, its full potential has only just been recognized. With Artificial Intelligence (AI) developments happening left, right and center, it’s no wonder that FutureScapes predicts that 75% of developer teams will include artificial intelligence functionality in one or more of their applications this year.

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when we talk about apps‎? If you’re like most people, the words ‘fun’ and ‘entertainment’ must have popped up in your mind. But there’s a lot more to mobile apps than just that. Today, more and more developers are bridging the gap between technology and reality to make it possible for you to keep your brain healthy and fit.

When you open your Play Store, or App Store, among the top few things you’ll see are fitness apps showing you how to exercise and eat to stay well. Other than these, you’ll also find software programs on brain health to train your mind and keep it fresh and alert.

Though there are close to a hundred apps fulfilling this purpose; there are the ones which we think are best in their functionality and offer the best features to the customers.

So, here is a list of the five apps you should install right away if you want an active mind.

5 apps that challenge your brain health

  1. Lumosity

One of the most popular brain health games, Lumosity is split into sessions that test your memory, attention, processing speed, problem-solving and flexibility of thinking. A set of mini-games that match your skill level are played against the clock and fit into a daily plan.

Once you’ve taken the initial test that tests your skill level, the app will compare your performance with those in your age range and give you an average of where you stand. Lumosity is colorful and makes you access different parts of your brain so you can keep it sharp. However, though developers did say that just one session a day can improve the player’s mental skills, they’ve just recently backed away from this claim.

The game is free to download and provides limited access, but you can upgrade to the premium version by paying $15/month or $80/year. The full subscription unlocks more than 75% of the remaining games on the app which keep you engrossed.

  1. Elevate

With 10 million downloads since its inception in 2014, Elevate is a close competitor to Lumosity. This brain health game is for those who like to challenge their mind. It improves communication and analytical skills that are practiced and tested through daily challenges. The game taps into different areas of your brain and tests comprehension, memory, math, and focus, among other mental skills.

The exercises in this game have unique names like Brevity, Processing, and Eloquence. The mini-games change their pace/level of difficulty according to your results, and this helps you judge where you lack.

If you’d like to break free of the limited daily sessions that only let you play a certain amount of games in a day, you can download the full version for $4.99/month or $39.99/year which enables you to play all the 40+ mini-games as often as you like.

5 apps that challenge your brain health

  1. BrainTest

The BrainTest mobile app is uniquely qualified to help detect early signs of Alzheimer’s and dementia. This application can be self-administered and can show signs of early dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Because of its collaboration with leading data scientists, Alzheimer’s researchers, designers, and programmers from around the world, the game has been built as a simple MCI test that can help narrow down cognitive difficulties.

It uses the same screening instrument as you’d take in a hospital setting, so you don’t have to feel nervous about getting the test done and can easily carry it out at home. This Self-administered Gerocognitive Examination (SAGE) is consumer friendly and easy to navigate. Once you take your test, certified physicians will explain your score and results through an in-app video which will help you know if you need any further assistance or not.

BrainTest is free to download on iOS and has 30-day free trial which you can use before subscription.

  1. Eidetic

Eidetic, which is only available for iOS users, is an exciting game that uses spaced repetition to help you memorize everyday items such as essential numbers, words, and facts. The app will help you create a photographic memory by testing you through a stretch of time, so you remember the information in long-term.

Eidetic is different from other brain health games because it gives you meaning and context along with the information. It provides increased information retention. The app is free to download and play.

It has four brainteasers which the player is required to learn in seconds. Repeatedly playing this game will help you in developing skills that are used to recall information. Other than these, there are 100+ games which aid in building your memory. The app is a good brain test and can help you detect issues with memorization and information recall.

  1. Peak

Rated as one of the top apps on Android for 2016, this app offers more than 30 mini-games that help you improve concentration, problem-solving, memory, language, and mental agility. Developed with the assistance of scientists from universities like Yale and Cambridge, Peak won’t let the games feel like a chore even when you play them every day.

The exercises in the mobile app are visual and let you have fun while tickling your brain cells. One of the features that set this brain health and training app apart from others is that it displays your performance as a part of all cognitive skills so you can quickly detect your top skills. An interesting fact about Peak is that its original research focused on schizophrenic patients. ‎

You can download the full version of the app for $4.99/month, and the players can get full access, along with the ability to compare their results with others of their age and people in the same profession.

These brain health games will help you keep your mind sharp so you can enjoy the best cognitive function no matter how old you get.

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