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4 Reasons Now Is The Best Time To Be An Entrepreneur

By Lamamma @LAmamma1

In your dreams, you’re an Elon Musk type character who leads a multibillion-dollar company. In reality, you have never taken the first steps because you’re worried about the conditions. There is never enough money or there aren’t a substantial amount of leads to expand. Don’t worry though because next year is the time. Of course, it comes and goes and you’re still working in the same office hustling on the side.

Here’s a bombshell: there has never been a better time to be an entrepreneur. Although it appears otherwise, it’s true and these are the reasons why.

Tech Is Your Ally

From social media to app creation, there are things which can revolutionize your brand. At the very least, they will raise awareness of the company and increase leads and (hopefully) sales. The reason is simple: it takes away the unpredictability. With analytic software, it’s possible to track the levels of traffic and why they bounce. Thanks to business IT strategy and planning services, you can spot problems with your site and fix them as soon as possible. And, cloud computing lets you and your employees work from anywhere in the world and maintain output. Plus, it’s all pretty cheap and won’t break the bank even if the budget is small.


And So Are Your Rivals

Well, sort of. In the past, competitors wanted to destroy one another as they saw it as the only way to succeed. Today, bosses realize the importance of using their rivals as a means to an end. Sure, it may propel their competitors and give them a boost, but it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. After all, they get theirs. Therefore, it’s not rare to see firms in the same industry come together as partners. For startups, gaining access to resources such as customers, big data and money are essential.


You’re Not An Easy Target

Of course, some companies will want to put you out of business and will try as hard as possible. However, there are no sitting ducks in 2018. For one thing, SEO is a great leveler as it is a cheap and effective way to secure traffic to the site. It’s hard to put a company out of business when it continually attracts new customers. Secondly, attorneys work on a no win, no fee basis. So, lawsuits aren’t as useful because startups have access to quality legal advice.

It’s Not A Risk

It’s tempting to see it as a zero-sum game, but the truth is that it isn’t whatsoever. Yes, you have to take risks, yet you don’t have to gamble everything to win. For instance, it’s not difficult to start the company on the side. All you need is a website and an internet connection. Plus, thanks to tracking software, you can tell whether there is a gap in the market. Once you have reliable data, then you can go big.

Still, does that sound like a risk to you, or more of a calculated decision?

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