Current Magazine

3 New Oreo Flavors We Predict

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

CNN reports a new flavor of Oreos is hitting stores: cinnamon bun.

Since we’re all about helping giant “food” companies, here are the 3 flavors we predict may hit shelves…

  1. Sarah Palin-eos – filled with the great taste of shredded newspapers she’s never read or heard of.
  2. Academy Award Nomination-eos – sorry – it’s just the white creme inside without any other color cookie.
  3. This Wal-Mart-is-closing-forever-e-os.  Priced 50% off to clear, these cookies taste like the tears of a capitalist when their big box stores that drove everyone out of business, are being driven out of business, along with everyone left in business, by Amazon.

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