Marketing & Advertising Magazine

20 Ecommerce Hacks To Drive More Traffic, Raise Conversions And Boost Sales

Posted on the 18 April 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Are you a novice when it comes to shopping online? To help you out, I've compiled a list of 20 eCommerce tips and tricks for the year 2022.

When it comes to starting and growing a firm, many novice entrepreneurs lack the expertise they need. E-commerce businesses, of course, have to deal with a variety of challenges as they experiment with various techniques and approaches.

However, at this point, they've made a disproportionate number of errors. You may use these e-commerce tricks to improve traffic to your online store, boost your conversion rates, and start generating money with the business you've been dreaming of launching.

1. Target long-tail keywords

One of the advantages of SEO is that this traffic is completely free. Yes, it is necessary to spend money on optimization. SEO services like Ahrefs and Semrush, for example, demand a monthly membership. Nonetheless, after you've done optimizing, you don't have to pay for each search engine visitor.

20 Ecommerce Hacks To Drive More Traffic, Raise Conversions And Boost Sales

Long-tail keywords have at least two additional advantages for optimizing your site.

Firstly, they are less competitive than longer keywords. Online t-shirts are more popular than humorous cat t-shirts because of the increased search traffic associated with the former.

To begin with, the focus of long-tail keywords is substantially narrower. They are used by those who know exactly what they want and intend to get it. If I type in "metal guitar picks online," it's safe to assume that I'm interested in purchasing this item. Visitors who arrive using these search terms are far more likely to become customers.

2. Optimize for mobile

65% of all eCommerce traffic and 53% of online purchases are generated by mobile devices. This indicates that nearly two-thirds of your clients are perusing your products on mobile devices. You'll lose clients if you don't improve the user experience.

All AliDropship themes are mobile- and desktop-compatible, which is great news!

3. Drive traffic that actually converts

Increasing the volume of visitors to an eCommerce site does not guarantee an increase in sales. Your website can be accessed in a variety of ways. Nevertheless, what is it about these visitors that makes them so valuable?

If a significant portion of your audience enjoys clicking on links but never makes a purchase, it's time to find a new audience or traffic source. There is no need to stop trying to improve the conversion rate of a certain traffic source. If nothing works, don't stress over it.

It's important to remember that only 20% of your efforts will provide the majority of outcomes.

4. Use retargeting ads

Many eCommerce tips and tricks tell you how to attract new customers to your online business. After they've visited, what do you do with those who subsequently leave?

Most of the time, advertisements are aimed at those who could be interested in a specific product. No matter how hard you try, the vast majority of individuals who encounter these advertisements have no desire to engage with them in any way.

Retargeting advertising, on the other hand, follow those who have already visited your online store and looked at at least a few things. Retargeting advertisements keep showing up on other websites users visit, promoting the same or similar items, even after they've already left.

5. Use email marketing and remarketing

Emails may also be used to entice users to return to your site. To collect their customers' contact information, many ecommerce firms do their best. Moreover, they're more likely to buy from you because they're already familiar with your business and items.

Send them emails to remind them of the items they've added to their shopping cart (but never made it to the checkout). Ecommerce cart abandonment is all too prevalent. Former visitors are enticed to return with coupons and discounts. You should inform your customers about new products and specials even if they've already purchased anything from you.

It's also possible to retarget your audience with Facebook remarketing.

6. Make your site load faster.

Consumers today have short attention spans. If a site doesn't load quickly enough, there are plenty of alternative options in the search results to choose from. The same is true for social media advertising. It's unlikely that a person who clicks on your ad would spend more than a few seconds on it before moving on to anything else.

So, make sure that all photos on your product pages are compressed and that their loading speed is checked. Using the SEO Image Optimizer tool, you'll be able to accomplish this and more.

7. Use consumer feedback and user-generated content (UGC)

Businesses aren't trusted by the general public. Of course, the vast majority about people are sceptical of conspiracies. But they recognise that no firm would ever inform you about serious problems with its products or services. Customers aren't liars, after all!

As a result, it's a good idea to base your ad copy on genuine client feedback. To prove that your goods are making consumers happy, you may also employ different forms of user-generated content (UGC). Whether it's a picture, a video, or a blog article, everything goes!

8. Encourage customers to write reviews

There are less obvious ways to make money online. Incorporating consumer feedback into your marketing strategy is a good idea. It's even better if you encourage them to write reviews or send you images!

Ecommerce marketers frequently achieve this by holding contests on social media or by providing coupons to be used on their next purchase as a reward.

9. Real discounts should be displayed

The topic of discounts comes up a lot. Boosting sales by slashing prices is a tried-and-true tactic. Customers will be more likely to accept a discount if you show them what they would have paid if they hadn't received it. When you do this, the value of your offer is made more clearer.

10. Split-testing

Unfortunately, the majority of e-commerce hacks fall into this category of being overly abstract. It's nearly impossible to offer precise instructions for each phase of your marketing approach. The items you sell, the places you promote, and a slew of other factors are all dependent on your specific specialty.

As a result, entrepreneurs need to be prepared to deal with problems like these on their own by utilizing A/B tests.

This technique, often known as "split testing," sends an equal number of visitors to two or more product sites, articles, or advertisements. One of these will be more effective than the other over time.

Use AliDropship's Split Test add-on for this purpose. Comparing several versions of product pages is easy with this tool, which gives you a comprehensive breakdown of how each performs in real-time.

11. Use seasonal discounts

Special holiday deals should be created even if your specialty has nothing to do with typical holidays like Halloween or Christmas.

Sales and discounts are expected by customers throughout certain times of the year, especially on Thanksgiving and the Monday after Thanksgiving. Creating an advertising campaign and decorating your website is all that are required.

12. Do more than you say you'll do.

Promises are simpler to make than to keep. However, you may use that to pique the attention of prospective purchasers. Failure to meet these responsibilities will have a significant impact on your reputation if you overpromise.

Rather than overpromise, try underpromising! Also, going above and beyond what customers anticipate.

In today's world, businesses may surprise customers with free delivery, discounts on larger purchases, tiny presents they include in parcels and so on. Such expressions of appreciation may transform clients into ambassadors of a company and keep them coming back for more.

A gift box, bulk discount, or product-bundle from AliDropship may let you generate a variety of offers for your customers.

13. Product descriptions need to be improved.

People want to be well-informed before making a purchase, especially online. Everything from their size and weight to the materials they were manufactured of and whether or not they require an adaptor or batteries is important!

Ask yourself questions about what you've written in your product descriptions. Furthermore, demonstrate how a product works to your consumers!

Product descriptions benefit from the use of movies and animated gifs.

It takes too long to describe a product's functionality. Moreover, reading it isn't always enough to persuade others. Showing, however, is a another matter!

Showcasing a product's benefits in the form of short movies or GIFs may work wonders. As a result, the majority of our advertising efforts are based on video, as well.

15. Use SEO titles that describe solutions

20 Ecommerce Hacks To Drive More Traffic, Raise Conversions And Boost Sales

When writing product page SEO names, the same strategy may be applied. There is little chance of drawing attention to a headline that just states "features." However, a name that tells readers what problem this product can answer is one that is appealing to them. Every detail is now crystal obvious when it comes to "car seat leather repair paste."

16. Enhance the category pages of your website.

Consider improving your category pages in addition to the preceding eCommerce hacks. Prior to making a purchase choice, many buyers want to learn more about the things you are promoting. They are in desperate need of direction, advice, and suggestions.

Because of this, answering all of their inquiries on category pages is a fantastic idea.

17. Employ lookalike audiences on Facebook

It's not always easy to figure out who your customers are. There are other portions of the population that refuse to buy anything at all. Marketers utilize Facebook lookalikes to let the system assess your top customers and locate individuals who share their interests.

18. Consider the use of badges of trust

Using trust badges is a great way to demonstrate to potential clients that your firm is a reliable source of information. In contrast to traditional retail, customers cannot immediately take possession of their purchases after paying you. As a result, all online retailers have a variety of security logos on their websites.

19. If you can, offer a variety of payment alternatives to your customers.

Suppose one of your clients wishes to make a purchase from your establishment. PayPal is the sole method of payment he accepts. Bank cards are the sole form of payment that you accept. A technological issue might result in the loss of a customer.

When a firm offers a variety of payment alternatives, it can better serve its customers.

20. Exit-intent pop-ups should be used.

Is there anything you can do when a site visitor moves the cursor to close your site? There is, in fact, something like that!

In the event that a visitor is ready to depart, exit-intent pop-ups show on the screen to give them a discount or some other unique offer that might alter their minds.

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