Lifestyle Magazine

10 Times Cookie Lyons Killed The Fashion Game on ‘Empire’

By Alexa Alfonso @lexlovescouture

Empire was a surprise mid-season smash hit. Yes, it is a bit dramatic and yes the breaking into song is slightly reminiscent of Glee (a show I admittedly liked in its early days), but there is something about it that makes you never want to miss an episode. Plot twists, huge blow ups, and of course Cookie Lyons.

Taraji P. Henson makes the show. At first Cookie comes off as a nemesis to Luscious' character. Throughout the season though it is revealed that she is clearly the person that makes Luscious better and is the one he owes a lot of success to. Cookie is a powerhouse and force to be reckoned with.

We all know the real reasons we love Cookie Lyons though. One reason being her amazing one liners. Who could forget, "So Yoko Ono here wants to play on the song too. Well, what can you do, Yoko? Can you play the tambourine?"

The other reason is because Cookie looks fabulous in every single episode. She did not miss a beat after being released from prison. Not a single beat. Fur, bold prints, and pop accessories are Cookie's trademark. Shall we review?

When she gave us Cruelle De Ville realness in her floor length white fur

When she wore leather on leather on snakeprint with a touch of statement accessories

When she wore a rhinestone zebra print gown and it didn't remind us of Jerseylicious

When she wore a fabulous cape and Chanel pendant necklace with a bold print clutch

When she added a surprising pop of yellow

When she wore this fuzzy purple fur stole and didn't remind us of Barney & Friends

When she stuck to the timeless classic of tan fur, a red lip, and resting bi*** face

When she wore mixed grey animal print and looked chic as can be

When she changed it up and wore floral print print

When she delivered one of her best one liner's of the season (see above: Yoko) and wore a really great white jumpsuit.

Cannot wait to see what Cookie has in store for this week's two-hour season finale this Wednesday, March 18th on Fox!

10 Times Cookie Lyons Killed The Fashion Game on ‘Empire’

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