Health Magazine

10 Fun and Unusual Uses of Nail Polish

Posted on the 05 February 2015 by Women_tips @womentips2013

10 Fun and unusual uses of nail polish

Nail polish is a girl’s best friend. The uses of nail polish is not only restricted to painting them on your nails. You can find several uses of them right in your own home.

1. Seal envelopes

If you envelops refuse to remain sealed after using glue, simply spread a little transparent polish on the edges to hold the envelop shut.

2. Protect you from splinters

As furniture gets old or lacks polish they tend to start sporting splinters. These splinters can snag our outfits or even cut our skin. To prevent this from happening, apply a few coats of transparent nail polish and you’ll soon have smooth edges on all your furniture.

3. Hide the scuffs in your shoes

Is your pair of shoes covered in scuffs? No worries! Apply a few coats of brown, black or transparent polish; allow them to dry and your good to go.

4. Fix runs in your nylons

If you have managed to rip your pair of stockings, then just hold the rip together and seal together using transparent nail polish.

5. Color code

If you want to differentiate between objects then the best way is to color code them using different shades of nail paint.

6. Threading a needle

If you’re having a problem in threading a needle just cause the thread doesn’t hold still. Apply a coat of nail polish to the end of the thread and watch how easily it goes through the needle.

7. Waterproofing stuff

If you want to keep your stuff from getting damaged by water then the best way to do it is by applying coats of clear nail polish. For example if you don’t want ink smudging due to water, you can apply coats of polish to keep that paper intact.

8. Hold screws and bolts in place

If you don’t want your screws and bolts to stay in place and not loosen then you should consider applying a few coats of nail polish to them to hold them in place.

9. Prevent rashes or tarnish from artificial jewelry

If you don’t want your skin to erupt in reaction to artificial jewelry or suffer from weird greenish tinges from the tarnish of such jewelry, apply few coats of nail paint to protect you from the same.

10. Keeps thread from unraveling

If your outfit has suddenly sprung a loose thread or your laces have started unraveling, don’t fret. Simply apply a few coats of nail polish to them and forget that it even existed.

Put that nail polish to good use and don’t forget to stock them up.

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