Business Magazine

10 Clever Ads Billboard by Science World

Posted on the 04 August 2013 by Zafar @seompdotcom
A series of brilliant billboard ads dedicated to promoting science in Vancouver, by Science World

10 Clever Ads Billboard by Science World

you weigh less on the way down

you weigh less on the way down

You body contains enough carbon to fill 9,000 pencils

You body contains enough carbon to fill 9,000 pencils

You swallow a litre of snot every day

You swallow a litre of snot every day

Cat Pee Glows under Black light

Cat Pee Glows under Black light

Lighting Strikes 100 Times Every Second

Lighting Strikes 100 Times Every Second

You get Taller in space

You get Taller in space

A Blue Whale's Heart is the size of this car

A Blue Whale’s Heart is the size of this car

Japan Gets 1,500 EarthQuakes per Year

Japan Gets 1,500 EarthQuakes per Year

Humans are Allergic to Mosquito Spit

Humans are Allergic to Mosquito Spit

Two Most Common Fears - Clowns and Heights

Two Most Common Fears – Clowns and Heights

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