Baseball Magazine

1-5. I Guess It's Better Than 0-6.

By Theomnipotentq @TheMightyQuinn
Before this season began, I thought that it was important that the Red Sox open with a decent start. I know they have a brutal schedule in April. But to put last season in the rear view mirror and move forward, they needed to break from the gate with a good record.
1-5. It's better than 0-6. After Sunday's disaster, I thought we might actually see a repeat of last season. But we were just a ninth inning comeback on Monday night from seeing that happen again.
Jon Lester pitched well again on Wednesday afternoon in Toronto, allowing three runs in a complete game. I would taken that if you said that before the contest.
But the Red Sox bats basically didn't show up, and Ricky Romero allowed just a single run. He was a guy the Sox had a lot of success against in the past, and he had a career ERA of over 7.00 against the Red Sox.
Both Romero and Lester were terrific, as neither team got a hit after the third inning until Toronto added a run in the 8th. The Sox threatened in the ninth as Romero walked the first two hitters. After Adrian Gonzalez hit a deep fly to center to move the runners up, Sergio Santos came in and struck out the ice cold Kevin Youkilis and got David Ortiz to ground out to end the game.
And now it's back home to Fenway for the 100th anniversary opener on Friday against Tampa Bay. And Yours Truly will be there, hoping for better than what I have already witnessed in 2012.

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