Then I Got To Thinking...
Then I Got To Thinking... is a lifestyle blog based on the life of Tracy, a Sacramento native. Follow her journey through travels, marriage, and fun moments. Tracy strives to be positive and find as much joy in the little things.
Dear Spencer... You Are 3!
Oh, Mr. Spence...Kid, you are truly a crack up. You are our feisty child - filled with fire and love and sweetness. Knowing you is loving you and you are the... Read more
Posted on 19 September 2022 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
Dear Cody... You Are 4!
Cody Bear...I can't believe you're 4 - and now you're almost 5. You are an absolute joy. You are one of the happiest little boys I have ever seen, and the... Read more
Posted on 19 September 2022 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
Dear Spencer... You're TWO!
Spencie,Wowza, we cannot believe our baby is 2. You have grown and changed so much over the last 3 months. You are talking more, singing, running everywhere, an... Read more
Posted on 23 July 2021 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
Dear Spence... You're 21 Months Old!
Our sweet and spicy little Spencie...You are keeping us on our tippy toes. You are quick, smart, and always on the move. You have a smile that makes me weak in... Read more
Posted on 17 April 2021 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
Sibling Bonds
{popsicles in January... why not?}Yesterday, as I was cleaning up the garage, I saw Cody fell on his scooter in our side yard. I waited a second to react to... Read more
Posted on 24 January 2021 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
My Motherhood 'To-Do List'
I realize that motherhood can't simply be explained in a to-do list. So much of motherhood is based off of emotion, reaction, gut, and spirit. I know myself wel... Read more
Posted on 20 January 2021 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
A Reflection of 2020
2020 reflection. I answered these questions back in 2013 and I love to look back and think about where a year takes us.1. What was the single best thing that... Read more
Posted on 17 January 2021 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
Dear Spencer... You're 18 Months Old!
Our Spencie-Spence,18 months old. Our little love, our little stinker! You are growing and thriving like crazy these days. It seems like every day you are... Read more
Posted on 17 January 2021 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
Dear Nolan... You Are 6.
Oh, our sweet Noley-Bear,SIX. Whoa, my love, that sure happened fast. You are truly special to us and the last 6 years of having a son have been such a joy to m... Read more
Posted on 30 December 2020 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
Dear Cody... You Are 3!
My sweet, content, happy Cody-Bear!I can't believe you are 3. You are our happy boy. The other day I asked you "why are you so cute?". Your response to me was... Read more
Posted on 30 December 2020 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
Dear Spencer... You're 15 Months Old
Oh, Spencie-bear....Oh, boy. The last 3 months since you turned one have gone by in the blink of an eye. It's been a bit of a challenging year with everything... Read more
Posted on 17 October 2020 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
Dear Spencer... You Are ONE.
Spencie...I stared at you for a little while as I rocked you to sleep and you finished your baba. I studied your chubby little ankles, one crossed over the... Read more
Posted on 17 July 2020 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
Dear Spencer... You're 11 Months Old!
Oh, Spence! I can't believe you're one month away from turning ONE. I look at you every single day and can't believe how much older and bigger you're getting.... Read more
Posted on 17 June 2020 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
Dear Spencer... You Are 10 Months Old!
Spencer, You are 10 months old. Two digits... I can't believe how quickly time has gone. I know I have written this to you before, but it's hard to imagine... Read more
Posted on 17 May 2020 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
Dear Spencer... You're 9 Months Old!
Spence... You are NINE months old! It has been a big month... around the world, and right here in our own home. You moved into your own room just last week. We... Read more
Posted on 18 April 2020 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
Dear Spencer... You're 8 Months Old!
My sweet 8 month old baby... As I rocked you to sleep tonight, I watched your eyes get heavy and slowly close. I felt your body get heavy and swayed back and... Read more
Posted on 17 March 2020 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
Dear Spencer... You're 7 Months Old!
Dear Spencer, You are officially SEVEN months old. I can't believe it, baby boy. As usual, I will say it every time, this beloved first year of your life is... Read more
Posted on 18 February 2020 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
Dear Cody... How Are You 2?
Cody-bear... My sweet, funny, loving, darling baby boy, I am absolutely head over heels for you. You bring us so much joy every single day and your squishy... Read more
Posted on 30 January 2020 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
My FIVE Year Old Noley-Bear
Oh, Nolan, you are 5! I stare at your little face at least one hundred times a day, Nolan. You are such a cute little boy and every day you are changing and... Read more
Posted on 30 January 2020 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION -
Dear Spencer... You Are 6 Months Old!
Spence! SIX whole months! I can't believe it. This note is a few days late because we celebrated your half a year birthday in beautiful Maui and I had limited... Read more
Posted on 22 January 2020 DIARIES, SELF EXPRESSION