

I'm a vicar in the Church of England, married, with three great boys.



  • What is Predestination?

    What Predestination?

    There are three slightly different versions1. God predestines some to eternal life and some to death (this is known as double predestinarianism)2. God... Read more

    Posted on 01 November 2012
  • The Bread Maker: the Feeding of the 4000

    Bread Maker: Feeding 4000

    Mark 8:1-10 During those days another large crowd gathered. Since they had nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion for... Read more

    Posted on 06 October 2012
  • And I Saw a New Heaven and a New Earth

    Heaven Earth

    Revelation 21:1-4Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away,B)"> and there was no longer any sea. Read more

    Posted on 14 September 2012
  • The Dead Mouse Theory of Purity

    Mark 7:1-13We're looking today at two visions of what it is to be holy; what it is to be pure, acceptable There is the human vision of purity: I call this the... Read more

    Posted on 08 September 2012
  • Why Does Jesus Walk on Water?

    Mark 6:45-52Life is hard: there are discouragements, disappointments, criticismsSome of us have been on holiday, and now we have to go back to work: we have to... Read more

    Posted on 31 August 2012
  • Montgomery Heights Christian Care Centre

    Montgomery Heights Christian Care Centre

    Montgomery Heights (the compound) Montgomery Heights Christian Care Centre is a children's home set on a hill about 80 kilometres NW of Harare, Zimbabwe. Read more

    Posted on 15 August 2012
  • A Selected Diary of a Sabbatical 2

    Selected Diary Sabbatical

    I have now been on sabbatical for 6 weeks. I'm loving it, although do miss the people in our churches greatly. It was very good to spend time with people again... Read more

    Posted on 02 July 2012