
Gal Josefsberg is a dedicated amateur at many different things. Among them high tech, entrepreneurship, fitness, personal improvement, family and pets. His favorite hobby is using himself as a guinea pig for finding out what works and what doesn't.
60 in 3
60 in 3 is a personal fitness site that seeks to help people with diet, weight loss, fitness and exercise. The focus is on common sense solutions to every day problems.
Equally Happy
Equally Happy is a personal improvement blog that deals with topics ranging from love and relationships to jobs and money.
Never Eat Alone
My first job out of college was with a company called Blue Pumpkin Software. Blue Pumpkin was a small software start up in the heady days before the dot com... Read more
Posted on 11 January 2011 FOOD & DRINK, LIFE COACH, LIFESTYLE -
Gain Insight Through Late Night Adventures
There’s something to a sleeping city which is both beautiful and scary. The streets which are usually teaming with people are now empty, the lights are off and... Read more
Posted on 30 December 2010 LIFE COACH, LIFESTYLE -
Don’t Use Skepticism As An Excuse For Inaction
Last week Tim Ferris, of The 4-Hour Workweek fame, put out a new book called the The 4-Hour Body . In it he describes the variety of ways in which he’s hacked... Read more
Posted on 21 December 2010 LIFE COACH, LIFESTYLE -
Reach Out And Touch Someone
Your friends are your most important resource. By that I include not just your good friends with whom you drank too much rum last weekend (thanks Dave! Read more
Posted on 13 December 2010 LIFE COACH, LIFESTYLE