
I am a mother of 5 beautiful children. Four years ago I met my husband who served his country and now suffers from PTSD . He had two children from a previous marriage as did I. Since then we decided to have a child together which makes 5! It’s definitely challenging at times but the key is to work as a team. After I had my now 2 year old I have had a few health issues which can make things even harder. I have been suffering from Anxiety, Panic disorder, OCD , and depression since I was a little girl. Of course when I was younger I had no idea what was wrong with me. On top of all of that I developed a Chronic pain Illness as well. Now I have a son who suffers from some of the same symptoms that I experience . One of my other children suffers from ADHD . He struggles day to day but is making amazing progress. There are so many road bumps in our life that can trigger these Illnesses and I would like to touch base on some of these issues. I have researched everything from mental health disorders to parenting skills and so on. There will be information about parenting from time to time as well as mental health. In my life it is important for me to include the two…my mental health and my parenting. This blog is for all of those who need more information on their conditions or would like to contribute to the cause. The more we learn, the more we can try to live somewhat functional lives.
Youth of a nation~Bent not broke
Welcome to Youth of A nation! I am a mother of 5 beautiful children. Four years ago I met my husband who served his country and now suffers from PTSD . He had two children from a previous marriage as did I. Since then we decided to have a child together which makes 5! It’s definitely challenging at times but the key is to work as a team. After I had my now 2 year old I have had a few health issues which can make things even harder. I have been suffering from Anxiety, Panic disorder, OCD , and depression since I was a little girl. Of course when I was younger I had no idea what was wrong with me. On top of all of that I developed a Chronic pain Illness as well. Now I have a son who suffers from some of the same symptoms that I experience . One of my other children suffers from ADHD . He struggles day to day but is making amazing progress. There are so many road bumps in our life that can trigger these Illnesses and I would like to touch base on some of these issues. I have researched everything from mental health disorders to parenting skills and so on. There will be information about parenting from time to time as well as mental health. In my life it is important for me to include the two…my mental health and my parenting. I WANT TO MAKE THIS AN OPEN BLOG AS WELL. I can use your help by sending me your knowledge, Ideas and thoughts, quotes etc… Everything sent to me will get credit where credit is due. Please fell free to contact me. This blog is for all of those who need more information on their conditions or would like to contribute to the cause. The more we learn, the more we can try to live somewhat functional lives.
A Little Humor for the Day
Posted on 21 January 2014
Stay You!
I recently received a comment suggesting that this video would be a nice addition to my previous post “Just be you”. After listening to the song I most... Read more
Posted on 21 January 2014 -
Just Be You!
One of the amazing things about life is that every day we get a fresh start. Every day we get the opportunity to learn a new lesson, grow a little more, deepen... Read more
Posted on 21 January 2014 -
Mesothelioma Awareness
Most people have heard of mesothelioma from a commercial or two during daytime television, but for many that is the extent of awareness. Read more
Posted on 20 January 2014