
Humankind got its start on the African savannas some hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of years ago. At various times in our cultural history we’ve moved to distinctly new cultural ground, as it were. And so we are moving now, and have been for the past half century. This blog is how I see that move. Intellectually, I'm broadly interested in culture and the brain. Within that compass, anything could show up here. Literature and films (including animation), certainly, music as well, and graffiti. But, other things may show up as well. It's a blog, don't you know, it moves.
New Savanna
Humankind got its start on the African savannas some hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of years ago. At various times in our cultural history we’ve moved to distinctly new cultural ground, as it were. And so we are moving now, and have been for the past half century. This blog is how I see that move. I'm broadly interested in culture and the brain. Within that compass, anything could show up here. Literature and films (including animation), certainly, music as well, and graffiti. But, other things may show up as well. It's a blog, don't you know, it moves.
Follow the Light-colored One
Posted on 16 January 2013 CULTURE, PHILOSOPHY, SOCIETY
Computing the Brain
Here's a discussion about the possibility of computing the brain. It takes off from a note by Bruce Stirling. There are two interesting motifs in the... Read more
Posted on 14 January 2013 CULTURE, PHILOSOPHY, SOCIETY -
Aaron Swartz, Depression, and Prosecution
Writing at Question Copyright, Karl Fogel observes:There are many remembrances [of Aaron Swartz] already on the Internet, but two in particular stand out: Rick... Read more
Posted on 13 January 2013 CULTURE, PHILOSOPHY, SOCIETY -
Bordwell on Early Cinema
David Bordwell has posted a Powerpoint presentation, with voice-over, about early cinema (1908-1920). It's mostly about the evolution of cinematic style. Read more
Posted on 13 January 2013 CULTURE, PHILOSOPHY, SOCIETY -
Sleep Ain't What It Used to Be
Back in September I posted a paragraph from a NYTimes op-ed arguing that the 8-hour block IS NOT a 'natural' sleep pattern. It's culturally imposed. There's mor... Read more
Posted on 12 January 2013 CULTURE, PHILOSOPHY, SOCIETY -
Life of Pi a Transnational Hit
So far the film's grossed $400 world-wide, says The Guardian:But it's in Asia that the impact of Ang Lee's film ... has been truly felt. Read more
Posted on 11 January 2013 CULTURE, PHILOSOPHY, SOCIETY -
Topic Models: Strange Objects, New Worlds
In the weeks since writing about the preliminary results Goldstone and Underwood have reported of their work on topic analysis of PMLA (Publications of the... Read more
Posted on 10 January 2013 CULTURE, PHILOSOPHY, SOCIETY -
IBM First in Patents in 2012
So says the Bits blog at The New York Times:I.B.M. collected 6,478 patents last year. I.B.M.’s patent asset generates an estimated $1 billion a year in license... Read more
Posted on 10 January 2013 CULTURE, PHILOSOPHY, SOCIETY -
MLA 2013, Between Pain and Pleasure: Michael Bérubé’s Presidential Address
I’ve just read though it: How We Got Here. The title, as one would expect, cuts two ways. Where “here” is simply the profession of literary studies, the answer... Read more
Posted on 10 January 2013 CULTURE, PHILOSOPHY, SOCIETY