By  Amandadawson
posted on 07 January at 17:46
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Stress and depression has become a intensive part of our life. We hardly get time for our self, family, kids. best way to get away from is take a time out have a plan , get organized and tidy. Music and meditation could also be helpful :)

By DimitraD
posted on 03 January at 06:17
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Stressful jobs and family relations, polluted ecology of busy industrial cities, 24/7 noise of busy streets, junk food and take-always that are eaten instead of normal homemade dishes, bottled water, excessive pill intake, lack of sleep and physical training – that is the short list of negative factors ruining our central nervous system and leading to stress and depression.

By  Shine007
posted on 06 January at 09:12
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By  Shine007
posted on 06 January at 08:53
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Hi guys, I just wanted to drop in and say that this coming Sunday will be EXACTLY TWO WEEKS since I became engaged ! However, I 'm wondering what people would think of this dress for a wedding on 6th August?

I'm a size 8-10 and got this today but didn't get the wow reaction I thought I'd get from my hubby.... I loved it in the shop but now I'm not so sure.... advice very welcome......