Lifestyle Magazine
Are you suffering from crummy flexibility, anxiety, gunked up digestion, and a kind of ho hum sex life? Well, hello there! I’m Misha Hettie and I think there’s no better way to start of a fresh new friendship than talking about your bodily function.I’m a yogi, a photographer, a wife, a mom. I’m decent at baking and horrible at math. I want to share my yoga practice with you and challenge you to join me in some poses that will challenge you and ultimately improve all of that bodily goodness.Right now, I’m on a literal journey – moving from San Antonio, TX to Orange County, CA. I’m a native Californian and want to give my family all the advantages of Southern California I grew up with. I’m also on a mental journey – leaving everything I’ve become accustomed to over the last nine years and starting over fresh. Putting a house on the market, moving 4 bedrooms worth of stuff, driving 21 hours and staying with my parents (!!!) while house shopping is a little scary. OK, it’s more than a little scary. I won’t have any of the comfy benefits you have when you’re “home” – from big stuff like having a client base to little but still comforting things like knowing where to find the best happy hour on Thursdays. I admit that from time to time, I get the fear clench in the pit of my stomach and start to freak out and want to put the kibosh on the whole move. That’s when I break out a few vinyasas and remember to breathe deep. Meditation and movement keep me going throughout this hectic time. I am not even kidding when I say there have been times that I have to find a quiet room, get into supta baddha konasana and remind myself that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself just to make it through the day. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat.The key to enjoying your yoga practice is to remember two things – yoga will help every aspect of your daily life AND it is just that – a practice. I hope to help you find ways to make it challenging, yet fun and little tips and tricks to work your practice into your daily life – perhaps by giving you a few tiny reminders that you can do Warrior II in your cubicle or by letting you know what poses will help you when you want to crawl into a little ball and put the kibosh on whatever thing is currently scaring you. If you’ll excuse me for now, I have to go do a forward fold and *gulp* pack.Thank you for joining me! Have a favorite pose or mantra? Leave it in the comments!xoxo