Destinations Magazine

Yes! We Have No Banana Sandwiches! (Huh?)

By Lwblog @londonwalks

Yes! We Have No Banana Sandwiches! (Huh?) Right from the top tier of the hand, here's Foodie Ann…
When did you last eat a Pret a Manger cheese and pickle baguette? Maybe just the other day, as they sell 75,000 of them a week. It’s their top selling sandwich – number 2 is  tuna with 54,000 sold every week. The CEO of Pret revealed their sandwich popularity poll when interviewed on Radio 4 last week to celebrate their 17% increase in profits over the last year.
The sandwich market has been revolutionised over the last 20 years. No longer do you form an orderly queue to have your sandwich made to order. American visitors sometimes look askance at the idea of pre packed sandwiches – but are usually converted. The French – whose idea of lunch has always been something delicious in a little restaurant around the corner – now are Pret’s fastest growing market. Best seller in Paris is the slim smoked salmon sandwich. And also doing well is tarte Tatin- sadly not available in London.
But the best seller in Pret UK is the banana – 75,000 a week, costing 50p each. Though their CEO does point out that they are premier bananas which come from the top tier of the hand. Bet you didn’t know that.
For more foodie talk join Ann's walk this Saturday, May 11,  Pie Crust to Upper Crust. Meet at 10.45 am, Embankment tube.
A London Walk costs £9 – £7 concession. To join a London Walk, simply meet your guide at the designated tube station at the appointed time. Details of all London Walks can be found at
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