Gardening Magazine

🌼 Yellow Delights 🌼

By Stephanie

While they may make you think of the sun in the sky, you will certainly associate the flower below to lemon. Its delicate paper-thin pale yellow petals can look really bright once the sun is up, earning the common name, lemon ginger .

🌼 Yellow Delights 🌼

The perky flower will surey put a smile on our faces. Only thing is that it doesn't bloom many, just one to several at a time.

Have you come across a four o'clock before? The flowers are night beauties. They open from evening to late morning the next day and smell heavenly as well :D

🌼 Yellow Delights 🌼

Hibiscuses have amazing colours and they open throughout the day. The yellow one that I have has a pink eye but its vibrant petals fade fast under the blazing hot sun. If the day is really hot, the colour can turn quite pale by late afternoon.

🌼 Yellow Delights 🌼

In the porch, the flower of my episcia opens to a creamy yellow bloom. It looks pretty cool against its dark foliage :).

🌼 Yellow Delights 🌼

The flowers of my firecracker plant although in pale yellow, looks like firecrackers as the name suggests due to their shape which is tubular and hanging downwards in clusters...

🌼 Yellow Delights 🌼

Almost every day it is sunny and hot here, hope the weather is more moderate where you live.

🌼 Yellow Delights 🌼

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