Debate Magazine

WORLD WAR THREE is On, Bitches!

Posted on the 27 April 2012 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
WORLD WAR THREE is on, bitches!not only is world war three ON, it's BEEN ON for the last two hundred years:
Let me (try to) explain.
most 'overt wars' are publicly advertised and publicly organised events between 'rival tribes' over contested land that bordered their tribal boundary. These 'armies of men and women', mostly paid for and equipped by the people of that 'tribe' for the good of their tribe, met in a public place and slugged it out until someone backed off, conceded the field. These were tribal wars involving, and on behalf of, the people: a way to resolve neighbourhood dispute. Sometimes the practice of star soldier or people's champion battles spared the majority of the armies, while the 'war' was decided by elite competition.
Overt World Wars are about expansionist conquest of all neighbours.
most 'covert wars' are privately orgnanised and privately funded events between 'rival companies' over contested market share. These 'armies of private contractors', mostly paid for by bankers and financial speculators for the good of private profit, work behind the scenes to subvert and lie and steal and cheat until the opposition can no longer find funding to support its elite soldiers; its lawyers, its technical directors, its grunts and managers, its espionage experts. Private wars for private concerns, that's what covert wars are made of.
Covert Wars are extensions or enhancements to Overt Wars. Imagine that you could 'persuade' or coerce the people's champion of a rival tribe to 'take a fall' like in a rigged boxing match. The family of this tribal champion would be well cared for if he allows his neighbor to win. They'll be taken care of by the new landlords.
Covert World War has (essentially) always existed as an integral part of World Wars, right back through Roman times and before, they're about Empire but in a very specific way; the subjugation of their funders, You The People. But the covert world is usurping the overt world, more and more there seems to be no logical reason for the wars that rip across this world from time to time; until we look at cui bono from such ruthlessly privatised activities.
World War One (1912-18) was a localised skirmish that dragged in the rest of the 'world', well western world, and contained elements of covert warfare.
World War Two (1939-45) was a modern empire bid that the 'rest of the world' conspired to halt, and contained elements of covert warfare.
World War Three has been ON since 1815, or so ...
From 1809 Rothschild began to deal in gold bullion, and developed this as a cornerstone of his business. From 1811 on, in negotiation with Commissary-General John Charles Herries, he undertook to transfer money to pay Wellington's troops, on campaign in Portugal and Spain against Napoleon, and later to make subsidy payments to British allies when these organized new troops after Napoleon's disastrous Russian campaign.

His four brothers helped co-ordinate activities across the continent, and the family developed a network of agents, shippers and couriers to transport gold – and information – across Europe. This private intelligence service enabled Nathan to receive in London the news of Wellington's victory at the Battle of Waterloo a full day ahead of the government's official messengers. [source ROTHSCHILD]

...and Private Expansionism has finally come of age.
The private bankers are now using the 'tribal army' structure, using marketing techniques to 'generate an enemy' and enable a tribal conflict to be enacted out in any part of the world.  Where entire countries used to be in jeapordy from overt world wars, entire corporations are now in jeapordy from covert world wars. Covert war is now a global phenomenon that's powering the success or failure of the Stock Market, where all these private investors spend their spoils of war; their loot, their booty. Entire banking systems. Entire Gross Domestic Products. Entire livelihoods of endentured peoples/nations. All threatened by the amoral behavior of covert warfare.
Holocausts have happened all across Africa in the name of private profit and raw materials and now that holocaust is making its way through the Arab Nations to end up in Europe, Russian, India, China.
2015 is the TWO HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY of the first Covert World War.
A two hundred and fifty years war? Will history remark upon this, or will the conquerors, those private individuals who have invested in the murder, death and misery of You The People, erase all memory of what was done in the name of private profit and win win win?

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