Lifestyle Magazine

Words of Wisdom to Black American Women About American Men..

By 9jagirl4real

I am reading this book “Why I love Black women by Michael Dyson” and I will do a book review soon. Love this book.

Here are some wise quotes from this book..

“I think a lot of Sisters are just looking in the wrong places and settling for all the wrong and cars. If they only knew the best man to find is one that truly loves God, because if he does, he can’t help himself but love you.”

“Learn to love yourself which will protect you being vulnerable to men who seek to disrespect, reject, or misuse women”

I am tired of hearing about black men mistreating their women so I will be posting information on this blog to empower women. We need to love ourselves enough to walk out of abusive relationships.

More to come..

Filed under: Future, God, Hope, Life, Love, Preseverance, Smart, Women Tagged: Abuse, Advice, Amazing, Beauty, Change, Choice, Christ, Commitment, Culture, Decisions, Education, Educational, Experience, Faith, Future, Growth, Guys

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