Books Magazine

Within A Budding Grove: An Invitation

By Bellezza @bellezzamjs
Within A Budding Grove: An Invitation
"Like a flight of gulls, performing with measured tread upon the sands, the girls' mysterious purpose was as obscure as it was unforgettable." ~Marcel Proust

One of my favorite reads of 2013 was Marcel Proust's Swann's Way, Volume 1 in the collection Remembrance of Things Past. I read it with Arti of Ripple Effects, which made the book all the more enjoyable as we could share our ideas together. We have now decided to embark on Volume 2: Within a Budding Grove, which won the Prix Goncourt in 1919 and brought Proust instant fame.
No one should read Proust alone. His ideas are too lovely, and sometimes too elusive, to ponder over by oneself. So we invite you, Arti and I, to read (or perhaps reread?) Within A Budding Grove along with us. There will be a post about midway through the volume at the end of October, and a final post at the end of November.
You are so welcome to join us as we venture onward in Remembrance of Things Past.
(The painting, Within a Budding Grove 1, in the upper corner of the collage was painted by David Creffield in 1980. The Girls on The Beach can be found here.)

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