Books Magazine

Witch Wife by @kikipetrosino

By Pamelascott

The poems of Witch Wife are spells, obsessive incantations to exorcise or celebrate memory, to mourn the beloved dead, to conjure children or keep them at bay, to faithfully inhabit one's given body. In sestinas, villanelles, hallucinogenic prose poems and free verse, Kiki Petrosino summons history's ghosts-the ancestors that reside in her blood and craft-and sings them to life.



(@sarabandebooks, 12 July 2022, ebook, 72 pages, copy from the publisher via @ edelweiss_squad)



This is a new poet for me. I enjoyed all of the poems in Witch Wife. I enjoyed the fact the poet explores different styles and forms so no two poems are alike. I also liked the mix of themes and subject matter, some which fit together and some which seems so opposite. I particularly enjoyed Lament, The Child Was in the Woods, Nursery, Self-Portrait and Let Me Tell You People Something.

Witch Wife @kikipetrosino

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