Destinations Magazine

Winter Tips from #LondonWalks Guides No.10. Two Contrasting Approaches

By Lwblog @londonwalks
DC Editor Adam writes… 

Outside in all weathers, we London Walks guides know a thing or two about battling the cold weather.

In this short series we're sharing our winter weather tips with our lovely London Walkers, a hardy bunch who join us rain or sleet in the winter months.

Two sides to every story today, a sort of a Good Cop/Bad Cop approach to the common cold

Sue's up first…

"If you can avoid going anywhere near the West End in December, do! Every year I forget this, and every year soon after shopping in Oxford St, I go down with something. Wiped me out for all December and am still sleeping around 12 hours a night. Flu jab good idea to avoid flu but bad colds, chest infections, etc. mean trying to avoid greatest chance of picking them up." So, there you go. Sue says stay home! Angela, on the other hand, has a remedy and is a little more gentle in her bedside manner…
Winter Tips from #LondonWalks Guides No.10. Two Contrasting Approaches Elderberry, to be found as Sambuccus in health shops. Or Boots I think it's Sambucca but that's quite a sweet version. Hope you're all still on your feet though! Aah. I feel better already. Sue
Sue, a Freeman of the City of London and a water-colourist, is an expert on the Fleet River and a professionally qualified Blue Badge and City of London Guide. She wrote the Life in the Mediaeval City chapter in our book.  
Angela LW Guide Angela is one special actress. "She's so good it's almost impossible to compliment her", as Frederic Raphael, the author of The Glittering Prizes, said of her performance in that award-winning series. A similarly smitten Clive James said of her "Helena in the Royal Shakespeare Company's All's Well That Ends Well: "You couldn't ask to hear the words better spoken". 

More Winter Tips from The Daily Constitutional… Adam's Patented Cough Tincture Kim & Steve Get Layered Up
Steph & Laurence Hit The Drugs
A Good Waterproof Bag
Winter Tips from #LondonWalks Guides No.10. Two Contrasting ApproachesWant to share a winter weather tip or cold remedy? Drop me a line at the usual address

A London Walk costs £10 – £8 concession. To join a London Walk, simply meet your guide at the designated tube station at the appointed time. Details of all London Walks can be found at
Winter Tips from #LondonWalks Guides No.10. Two Contrasting ApproachesWinter Tips from #LondonWalks Guides No.10. Two Contrasting ApproachesWinter Tips from #LondonWalks Guides No.10. Two Contrasting ApproachesWinter Tips from #LondonWalks Guides No.10. Two Contrasting ApproachesWinter Tips from #LondonWalks Guides No.10. Two Contrasting ApproachesWinter Tips from #LondonWalks Guides No.10. Two Contrasting ApproachesWinter Tips from #LondonWalks Guides No.10. Two Contrasting ApproachesWinter Tips from #LondonWalks Guides No.10. Two Contrasting ApproachesWinter Tips from #LondonWalks Guides No.10. Two Contrasting Approaches

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