Family Magazine

WIN a Term of Paul Sadler Swimland Swimming Lessons

By Lilmumma08 @mummy2to0h
Swimming is a huge thing in my family as we go away more then once each year to the Murray River, where the girls HAVE to be water smart.
WIN a Term of Paul Sadler Swimland Swimming Lessons
Both of my girls have basic water skills, but I must admit they will need more swimming lessons again this year as I want them to be very confident in the water.
Are you a Mum or Dad wanting your child to learn water skills with the best in the business? Then this giveaway is for you!!
WIN a Term of Paul Sadler Swimland Swimming Lessons
Paul Sadler Swimland has 13 learn-to-swim school across suburban Melbourne (with one in Townsville) and encourages all parents to continue regular swimming regimes for their children year round.
WIN a Term of Paul Sadler Swimland Swimming Lessons
Teaching children to become safe, skilled and stress free in the water (as well as having a fun time!) is the key focus at Paul Sadler Swimland. With a certificate-based program in place, each swim site ensures students learn to swim 1km unaided to be considered ‘swimming literate’.  It’s a philosophy that has survival at its core.
WIN a Term of Paul Sadler Swimland Swimming Lessons
If this sounds like something you would love to be apart of then I have been lucky enough to offer one of my viewers with a term of swimming lessons (valued at approx. $180) and a merchandise pack as a starter kit for the lucky winner (a total prize of over $250).
All you have to do is tell me – Why your little one will benefit from Paul Sadler Swimland swimming lessons.
Unfortunately as this is a Melbourne based Swim School this competition is only open to Melbourne residents. Competition Close 27th May 2014One Entry Per Person for each of the variables.
Win a Term of Swimming Lessons with Paul Sadler Swimland

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