Politics Magazine

Why We Need an Alternative Left

Posted on the 01 September 2016 by Calvinthedog

Because of morons like this.

This site is so nuts and cracked that I actually thought that Alt Righters had created this as some sort of an off the charts parody of the Cultural Left. Those commenters can’t possibly be real! Those posts cannot possibly be real! No way is that About page real! Then it sunk in. It’s all real as Hell. The About page is real. The Why page is real. All the posts are real. All the commenters and comments are real. Worse still, this is the modern day socialist Left. After all, they want their future lunatic perverted freak society to be socialist. That’s after we get rid of gender, ok? You guys still believe in gender? How quaint! Get with the program! Silly goose, you know there is no such thing as gender!

Then I thought about it a little bit more and it really hit me. This site is not even radical at all. It is actually the Left in the US. It is worse than that. It is the Democratic Party, for Chrissake. It is even so much worse than that. This is actually turning into the normative hegemonic culture of the US and the rest of the West. It was then that I realized how insane we have already become. Quit worrying that society’s going to go nuts. We have already gone nuts. We have met the enemy, and he is us.

This is the Left nowadays. Culturally, it is even worse as this is the Democratic Party and frankly this is the modern hegemonic culture – the modern hegemonic culture is simply the Cultural Left in virtually all of its craziness. In fact, if you look at the Cultural Left freakshow and then look at the Democratic Party and modern hegemonic culture, honestly, you cannot find much of a difference. Even the most radical and extreme Cultural Leftists seem to have a serious voice in the Democratic Party and the hegemonic culture. In other words, the most insane of the already insane Cultural Left freakoids, perverts and nuts are already mainstreamed in the Democratic Party and the US hegemonic culture.

There is not a whole lot left for them to do. Screaming that all men need to go out and fuck a guy? The Cultural Left is already doing that. Read hip articles on Slate and Alternet about “getting in touch with your bisexual side.” Apparently this bisexual side is something that all men have (a Cultural Left lie) and of course it is something we all need to get in touch with otherwise we are not groovy and hip and right on and cool and all that.

Hectoring people to go to an orgy right this minute? Already happening. Lots of articles on Slate and Alternet about how all you uptight sexual slackers need to get out there and do a 3-way right this minute. 2 guys and a girl? 2 girls and a guy? No matter! Well if it’s 2 guys, should you suck the guy’s cock? That would be even better! The more gay you are, the more Cultural Left you are! Let’s hear it for cocksucking men! May we pray for a world where all men are not afraid to suck a dick!

Haranguing men about how they need to live as a woman for at least a week to see what it feels like? Not there yet, but we are getting there.

You will know we are really going bonkers when K-12 schools have classes like Homosexuality 100 teaching all kids who cool it is to get in touch with their gay side. In college, we could have Gay Studies 101, with field trips to gay bars, gay backrooms and gay bathhouses (participation encouraged!). We will have Gender Studies 100 in K-12 where all children will be asked to think through very carefully whether they are really a man or a woman no matter what their stupid genitals tell them. Hey boys! You want to be a girl, go ahead! It’s so cool and groovy and hip for boys to turn into girls! It’s even more boss to get your dick chopped off!  It’s evil anyway, unless you are sticking it in other men. Just ask any feminist!

When we have mandatory indoctrination of children and citizens into homosexuality and transsexualism and every other perversion known to mankind, you will know we have truly arrived. As I type these words, I realize you are thinking I am nuts, but I swear to God, if we keep going on this insane as bonkers perverted freakshow weirdo route, I can actually see that coming.

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