Debate Magazine

Why the War in Ukraine is "Different".

Posted on the 08 March 2022 by Doggone
Why the War in Ukraine is
Well, other than a madman with a shitload of nukes is threatening to start World War III.

It's happening in Europe. Not that there hasn't been armed struggle in Europe. After all, the Balkans (Serbia, Kosovo,etc.) have been combat zones. It's that this is a huge struggle with 2 million refugees pushing west, which would be a shitload more if Ukraine were part of the European Union. That would mean the border would have been open releasing a flood of refugees.

Also, there is the unspoken guarantee by the West given when Ukraine received its independence that the West (and Russia) would guarantee that independence.

Quite frankly, Putin is showing that NATO, especially the United States, is weak.

Why the War in Ukraine is
On the other hand, the Russian forces are also pretty ineffective. The Ukrainians are capturing Russian equipment and killing generals. And that's not adding in that the troops are surrendering whenever they can.

I mentioned the leaked report by the FSB member that said:

A report thought to be by an analyst in the FSB, the successor agency to the KGB, said that the Russian dead could already number 10,000. The Russian defence ministry has acknowledged the deaths of only 498 of its soldiers in Ukraine.

The problem is that the enemy (yes, Putain is our enemy whoever you are) believes that defeat is a sign of weakness. That means he isn't giving up until all his troops are dead. Unless someone can come up with a way for him to surrender while saving face.

Unfortunately, he had lost the war before it began.

You don't need to be an expert on Ukraine to know that. You just need to have a passing knowledge of the history and the country to have seen that.

Why the War in Ukraine is

I said that Ukraine would be Biden's downfall. It also appears that it is Putain's. 

I just want it to end soon because it's like the US's "peaceful protests" except it's affecting the entire world.

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