Marketing & Advertising Magazine

Why Influencers Are Key To Your Content Marketing Strategy

Posted on the 19 August 2013 by Scotcombs @3rdplanetmedia

web marketing“With the increased focus on content, some marketers make the mistake of thinking the answer is to build a content-making-machine and then blast that content out to as many digital platforms as possible.  But that approach is simply a shortsighted attempt to take the old advertising paradigm and feed it long-form content instead of ads.

Content marketing strategies must serve the customer first, not the marketer. In order to do that, content has to actually engage people with useful information, not lecture them. One powerful way to do that is to partner with the digital influencers consumers are engaging with way before they land on a brand website. Influencers are those with key audiences on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube who are sharing their experiences, including those that involve brands and products they use. They aren’t just creating content, they are starting conversations, which is the most powerful way to influence. So why are these digital influencers so vital to a brand’s overall content strategy?

It’s About Trust” More>>>

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