Politics Magazine

Why HBD Means More Socialism, Not Less

Posted on the 17 May 2014 by Calvinthedog

Francis Meville writes:

I have been following your blog for quite a long time. One thing I don’t understand about you: you admit there are intellectually and morally inferior people like most Negroes, who are so because of their genetic makeup, of their racial inheritance.

You also admit there are superior people in terms of IQ and gratification inhibition such as the Jews, the Northern Germanic, the Northern Chinese; on the other hand you are a socialist and oppose a society of classes such as India always was, such as Southern Confederacy used to be, such as post-modern America strives to be. You seem to hate India with an especial fervour.

My opinion is that the African Negro race has been given to us by nature as the proof writ gigantic of the utter inanity of all humanistic equalitarian theories, and of the necessity of maintaining social segregation and revenue inequality not only between blacks and non-blacks, but also between less visible but nonetheless important biological factors of discrimination.

Actually I have never said that the low IQ of Blacks is due entirely to their genes. I have said that I do not know what is causing it and not only that, but I do not particularly care what is causing it.

I never said that Northern Germanic people are more intelligent or have longer time preference than other Caucasians. Maybe it’s true, maybe it isn’t.

I never said that the Northern Chinese are more intelligent or have longer time preference than other Asians.

I never said that Jews have longer time preference than other Caucasians.

Actually, my opinion is that HBD increases the argument for socialism and decreases the argument for capitalism. If all races were equal, then that would increase the argument for capitalism and decrease the argument for socialism.

The reason is this. If all races inherited the same biological disposition and were all equal at the starting gate, so to speak, then absent major discrimination, they should all be capable of equivalent levels of achievement in all areas. Races that did better in some areas would do so only because they tried harder, had better morals and culture, and worked harder. Races that did more poorly would do so because they didn’t care and hence didn’t try, would rather be lazy than work hard, or had low morals or lousy cultures. In other words, it would all be down to willpower. Willpower and free will equals responsibility.

In a society where free will determined which races did better and some did worse, you could more easily justify a rigid caste system. The high achievers would have gotten there only be being better people, trying harder and making sounder decisions. They would have well and truly achieved everything that they gained in life, which would be much deserved. The low achieving races would get their by making idiotic decisions, being worse people and being lazy. All of their shortcomings would be their own damn fault and they would deserve every bit of pain their suffered for their wrongful behavioral choices.

Instead, HBD says that the race isn’t even fair at the starting gate. You have some races who get to dope up and do steroids, while this is banned of others. Some races are hindered by being forced to race in wheelchairs or run with crutches. Obviously people would say that the winners cheated in this race and don’t deserve their trophies, and the losers lost because the whole charade was unfair to start with. The losers would have no responsiblity for their undeserved losses.

So with HBD, the races performing better may be doing so largely because they lucked out in the genetic lottery. So what! So you got lucky, big deal. Why should your getting lucky mean that everyone else be hindered.

Furthermore, your lucking out implies that you haven’t really earned any of your achievements. Instead, they were handed to you on a silver platter. Everything you gained is more or less theft and a big fraud.

The races with more problems on the other hand would bear no responsibility for their lagging behind. The only reason they lag is because someone dumped a handicap on them and they never had a chance in the first place. They do not deserve any of their failures. In other words, their shortcomings are not their fault in any way whatsoever.

It seems extremely wrong to reward some races heavily because they lucked out and got a lot of undeserved achievements while totally screwing over others who just happened to draw the wrong cards and hence lost the round.

Since the excess wealth and possessions of the achievers are utterly unearned, they do not deserve all their groovy stuff. We need to take some of their undeserved wealth away from them and give to the others who lagged behind via no fault of their own.

Are you following? Undeserved achievements and undeserved failures means more socialism, not less.

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