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Why Budapest Might Just Be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)

By Latitude34 @Lat34Travel
Budapest 1 Flares Twitter 1 "> Facebook 0 Google+ 0 "> Pin It Share 0 "> StumbleUpon 0 "> Reddit 0 "> 1 Flares × Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS) Budapest is quickly becoming one of the hottest cities in Europe. We’ll admit that visiting Budapest was not on the top of our list until almost every traveler and friend we talked to told us we couldn’t miss a visit.Eager to see what all the fuss was about, we booked a train from Prague to Budapest and were absolutely blown away by how beautiful, clean, friendly and enchanting Budapest was. The city offers some of the most magnificent castles in Europe, the cuisine to die for, parks to lounge in, a superb transit system, a hip night life and all for very cheap.It wasn’t on our list of cities to visit when we started this trip, but Budapest has quickly jumped to the top of our list of cities we must get back to.Budapest Gallery 001 1024x682 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 002 1024x682 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 004 1024x682 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 005 1024x682 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 006 1024x682 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 007 1024x682 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 008 1024x768 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)
Budapest Gallery 009 1024x682 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 010 682x1024 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS).Budapest Gallery 011 1024x682 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 012 1024x682 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 013 682x1024 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 014 1024x682 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 015 1024x768 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 016 1024x682 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS).Budapest Gallery 017 1024x682 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 018 1024x768 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 019 1024x767 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 020 1024x768 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS).Budapest Gallery 021 1024x768 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 022 1024x768 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 023 1024x768 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 024 1024x682 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 025 1024x682 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 026 1024x768 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 027 1024x768 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 028 1024x768 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 029 1024x768 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)Budapest Gallery 030 1024x682 Why Budapest Might Just be the Most Enchanting City in Europe (30 PHOTOS)

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