Lifestyle Magazine

Whizzing By…

By Theutterblog @utterlywow

My productivity levels seem to be on a continual roller coaster.  One minute I’m all guns a blazing, ticking things off my to-do list like nobody’s business and managing to write four emails whilst on the phone whilst hoovering the house… you get the picture.  But the next minute I’m stuck at the top of the Loop the Loop, watching everyone below going about their daily business perfectly capably and waiting for the operator to turn the power back on.  I can see what is ahead of me, I know all the twists and turns and ups and downs that are coming… and yet nothing’s happening.  I’ve literally stopped.

I’m there at the moment.  I’ve stopped.  Actually no, I’m bunny hopping up those final few feet; swinging wildly between furious attempts to move forward and  staring silently in to the middle distance.  Too poetic? Ok, I’ll try another way: in the words of R. Kelly my mind is telling me to stop (relax Sama, it’s Christmas!) but my body… my boooo-dy is telling me to go! Don’t stop! There’s so much to do! Doesn’t Christmas know that there’s a wedding is in 5 months and a business to launch, not to mention a full-time job and a list of self-improvement type New Years Resolutions that are increasing by the day??

Silly innit?  I want to relax. I want to put everything on hold for the next fortnight and not think about the wedding or the business or the blog and enjoy my boyfriend, my home, my family.  But I can’t seem to let myself.  The weight of how much I have to do means I’m making daily to-do lists in my head… and yet I’m struggling to get anything done.  I can’t relax and I can’t achieve.  I’m in a state of work/life purgatory.

Does anyone else relate to this? (Please say yes!)

How do you unwind and let your mind rest?  Do you feel guilty when you’re not doing anything? Is anyone else currently planning a Spring wedding terrified of how quickly the time is going to fly once we hit January??

Talk to me- it’s Christmas!

Sama xxx

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