Lifestyle Magazine

Whim of the South Mini Moments

By Whimofthesouth
Whim of the South Mini Moments

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Right about now I'm probably somewhere between Pennsylvania and New York State (assuming you're reading this around 10 or 11 am.) I'm road tripping with my family to upstate New York to my family's lake house like I do every summer. Somewhere along the way we will stop at a farmer's market, maybe see the falls and one of the water dams that line the route, and even the ice cream place that makes the BEST mint chocolate chip ice cream I've ever had (FRESH MINT!) My heart is racing as we get closer and start seeing signs of water (even though it's not attached.) It will take everything for me not to run and jump in the water as soon as we get there...fully clothed.Let's pause for a moment and just look back on this past week. Though my life still has a lot of ups and downs, I'm trying to focus more on the ups. My mom reminded me of something pretty amazing the other day. She said "But if he hadn't done something drastic, would you have listened?" She was right. If God hadn't stopped me in my tracks and given me something to listen through, I probably wouldn't have even realized I was heading in a direction that I wasn't meant to go. It's usually at the times when we think we have our lives under control that He let's us see differently and reminds us that we still very much need to rely on his guidance. The ups of this week included getting to fill in my new Kate Spade planner, my little brother surprising me with a GORGEOUS new Fuji bike (pictured in the bottom righthand corner,) and some amazing quality time with my family. I was even able to launch my media services company that has gotten off to a great start ( So here's to a week by the water in my favorite place and to a whole lot of ups to look forward to. Remember: God is goodeverydayEverydayGod is goodxoBCC

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