Life Coach Magazine

Whey Protein Isolate Powder Review

By Debi Lantzer @debiL1611

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I love having a protein shake every morning for breakfast! If I'm working out in the morning, then more than likely, I am pressed for time or nearly running late and I need something to help me recover quickly. If I'm not working out, then I'm sleeping until the last possible moment in which case, I'm probably pressed for time or nearly running late. I'm sure you see the theme here - and if not, I'll spell it out - I am pressed for time or nearly running late every single morning.

My daily breakfast protein shakes eliminate the need for any kind of decision-making on my part, it helps make sure I start out the day with a well rounded breakfast, and it keeps me full until lunchtime without having a grumbling stomach. When I first started having protein shakes, I used to buy the pre-packaged protein shakes, but over the last couple of years I've become a bit more selective and prefer to blend my own every morning using protein powder, fruit and vegetables and other ingredients that come and go.

I've developed my preferred "brand/type" of protein powder mix and I am usually pretty reluctant to try other brands, but when I saw Pure Healthland Super Advanced Whey Protein powder, I thought maybe it might be time to revisit my preferences in case something "new and improved" came out.

Whey Protein Isolate Powder Review

The first morning as I was preparing my protein shake using this protein powder, I began to read the label. Right off the bat, I noticed there were 26 grams of protein in this powder with only 110 calories, along with only 2 carbs in the Pure Healthland Super Advanced Whey Protein powder! Those are my kind of numbers for sure! When I compared the label to the powder I've been using all along, the Pure Healthland brand label beat the label on my brand hands down.

Whey Protein Isolate Powder Review

I made this protein shake using the same fruit, veggies and matcha green tea powder that I use every morning so I could compare them "apples to apples". I found that they both mixed up about the same, they looked and smelled nearly the same, but the Pure Healthland Super Advanced Whey Protein had a little more of an "earthy" flavor than I prefer. I'm sure it's because it is packed full of good stuff!

Here are some of the features of the Pure Healthland Super Advanced Whey Protein:

- It dissolves in seconds
- There's no Cholesterol
- Only 2 Grams of Carbohydrates
- 26 Grams of protein per serving
- only 110 Calories per serving
- 14 full servings per container - 420 Grams total
- Delicious Vanilla Flavor, sweetened with all-natural Stevia plant
- 3 branched chain amino acids which help prevent breakdown of muscle during intense workouts.

Protein provides the necessary components for constructing muscle tissue, organs, and they are involved in most bodily functions. Your body needs sufficient protein building blocks so that it can recover quickly after an intense workout. If you don't have enough of a quality protein source, your body will eat its own muscle for energy! A great protein supplement is low in calories, highly biologically available, high in protein, as purified as possible, and manufactured to a high standard.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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