Lifestyle Magazine

Where To Buy Mini Wine Bottles For Your Wedding

By Olga

Original content: Where To Buy Mini Wine Bottles For Your Wedding

Mini wine bottles are creative favors to gift guests at your wedding or any celebration whatsoever. These miniature wine bottles get exhausted at almost a single serving, which is great for solo enjoyment. But getting small wine bottles for wedding favors is quite a task either from wine brands or DIY.


Anyways, not to worry, we’ve compiled several quality brands that give you just what’s perfect. From barefoot mini wine bottles to the Moscato(s) of this world, see out a cocktail of wines.

Mini Wine Bottles Wedding Favors

Mini wine bottles wedding favors come in sizes of 187ml and 375ml to four, twelve or twenty-four per carton. They are a little over one glass of wine and two and a half respectively. But while the 375ml is a half-bottle of standard wine size, the other is more ideal for wedding favors.

These tiny wine bottles are cheap favors growing in popularity at the moment. It is money-saving as it doesn’t get worse before it finishes, unlike the big bottles. Wines last only a couple of days. But with these, guests will have their fill without worrying that the rest gets bad. See five mini wine brands to try out.

1. Coastal Ridge Cabernet Sauvignon

Made in California, United States, this small wine bottles of goodness is a blend of fruit and spice. Made out of plum Mary, vanilla, black cherry and anise, this silky blend still wine is for the sophisticated taste bud. It retails from $50 upwards.

mini wine bottles Coastal Ridge Cabernet Sauvignon
mini-wine-bottles-Coastal-Ridge-Cabernet-Sauvignon-334x500.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-Coastal-Ridge-Cabernet-Sauvignon-334x500.jpg" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20Coastal%20Ridge%20Cabernet%20Sauvignon" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-Coastal-Ridge-Cabernet-Sauvignon-334x500.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-Coastal-Ridge-Cabernet-Sauvignon-334x500.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

To buy, click on this link.

2. Cavit Lunetta Rose Prosecco

This pale salmon wine is for the couple who delights in celebrating the small pleasures of life. Made in Italy from manually harvested and fermented grapes, it has fine perlage and persistent white froth. Its taste is a fruity fragrant influenced by red berries.

mini wine bottles Cavit Lunetta Rose Prossecco
mini-wine-bottles-Cavit-Lunetta-Rose-Prossecco-334x500.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-Cavit-Lunetta-Rose-Prossecco-334x500.jpg" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20Cavit%20Lunetta%20Rose%20Prossecco" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-Cavit-Lunetta-Rose-Prossecco-334x500.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-Cavit-Lunetta-Rose-Prossecco-334x500.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

It retails at $110, click here to buy.

3. Bianco Nero Pink Sparkling Wine

It’s aromatic, and tastes of strawberry, raspberry, cherry, violet and vanilla blend. Made out of grapes of the Muscat Hamburg variety ferments for at least one month. All this happens under controlled conditions. Its origin is Greece, and it suits the classic couple.

mini wine bottles Bianconero Pink Sparkling Wine
mini-wine-bottles-Bianconero-Pink-Sparkling-Wine-334x500.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-Bianconero-Pink-Sparkling-Wine-334x500.jpg" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20Bianconero%20Pink%20Sparkling%20Wine" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-Bianconero-Pink-Sparkling-Wine-334x500.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-Bianconero-Pink-Sparkling-Wine-334x500.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

It retails for $200 a carton here.

4. Domain Chandon Rose

The taste takes the description of creamy and seductive. Made in Italy, it’s a thorough blend of pear apple and stone fruit. This is well meshed with watermelon, strawberry and fresh red cherry fruit to give the knockout taste. Couples with sophisticated tastes will love.

mini wine bottles chandon rose mini
mini-wine-bottles-chandon-rose-mini-334x500.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-chandon-rose-mini-334x500.jpg" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20chandon%20rose%20mini" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-chandon-rose-mini-334x500.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-chandon-rose-mini-334x500.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

At $150, click here to buy.

5. La Marca Mini Prosecco

For wine connoisseurs with jaded palates, this is a taste delight. When you smell, it gives off a scent of honey, fresh citrus, and honey drops. To the tongue, its components show off. It’s made from lemon, citrus, toast, green apples and grapefruits. Giving a nod vibrancy to the tongue, it retails at $135.

mini wine bottles La Marca Mini Prosecco
mini-wine-bottles-La-Marca-Mini-Prosecco-334x500.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-La-Marca-Mini-Prosecco-334x500.jpg" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20La%20Marca%20Mini%20Prosecco" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-La-Marca-Mini-Prosecco-334x500.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-La-Marca-Mini-Prosecco-334x500.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

Click here to buy.

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Small Moscato Wine Bottles

Small Moscato wine bottles are a great way to save money, and even better is the wine. Moscato is the Italian word for Muscat Blanc, one of the oldest wine grapes in the world. Moscato originates mainly from peaches and orange blossom and comes in five wine styles. They include the sparkling and semi-sparkling, still Moscato, Red Moscato, Pink Moscato, and dessert Moscato wines. From these, see five of the best Moscato mini bottles of wine.

1. Mionetto Moscato Dolce Prestige

From Oltrepo Pavese, in Lombardi Italy. It gives off subtle spring floral notes to smell, and on the palate, it’s crisp. On the tongue, it leaves flavors of delicate fruits and is sweetly made out from peaches and honey.

mini wine bottles Mionetto Moscato Dolce Prestige
mini-wine-bottles-Mionetto-Moscato-Dolce-Prestige-334x500.jpeg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-Mionetto-Moscato-Dolce-Prestige-334x500.jpeg" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20Mionetto%20Moscato%20Dolce%20Prestige" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-Mionetto-Moscato-Dolce-Prestige-334x500.jpeg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-Mionetto-Moscato-Dolce-Prestige-334x500.jpeg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

Here’s where to buy mini wine bottles of mionetto. It retails at $150.

2. Myx Fusions Moscato & Coconut

This is a native of the United States, a refreshing blend of coconut and fruits. The legendary exotic tropical mellow coconut meets sizzling allusion nectar. Made out of coconut, peach and orange blends, it’s smart to the taste, leaving you been away.

mini wine bottles Myx Fusions Moscato Coconut
mini-wine-bottles-Myx-Fusions-Moscato-Coconut-334x500.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-Myx-Fusions-Moscato-Coconut-334x500.jpg" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20Myx%20Fusions%20Moscato%20Coconut" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-Myx-Fusions-Moscato-Coconut-334x500.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-Myx-Fusions-Moscato-Coconut-334x500.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

It retails at $75, click here to buy.

3. Villa Jolanda Moscato Rose

This is a sparkling wine of orange variety. Made out of peaches, oranges, and rose. It leaves a calm exotic taste on the tongue. Couples who love a good time will merry with this one. It’s from Piedmont, Italian origin.

mini wine bottles Villa Jolanda Moscato Rose
mini-wine-bottles-Villa-Jolanda-Moscato-Rose-334x500.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-Villa-Jolanda-Moscato-Rose-334x500.jpg" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20Villa%20Jolanda%20Moscato%20Rose" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-Villa-Jolanda-Moscato-Rose-334x500.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-Villa-Jolanda-Moscato-Rose-334x500.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

It retails at $225 for 48 bottles. Buy wine here.

4. Allure Bubbly Moscato

Nicknamed “party in a glass”, it’s for the couple who have simple tastes and love to have fun. It gives off a blended taste of floral bouquets and ripe fruits. Made out of gardenias, apricot, honeysuckle, and peach. It’s exotic.

mini wine bottles Allure Bubbly Moscato
mini-wine-bottles-Allure-Bubbly-Moscato-334x500.jpeg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-Allure-Bubbly-Moscato-334x500.jpeg" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20Allure%20Bubbly%20Moscato" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-Allure-Bubbly-Moscato-334x500.jpeg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-Allure-Bubbly-Moscato-334x500.jpeg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

Allure bubbly Moscato retails at $150. Click here to buy.

5. Risata Moscato D’Asti

Known for its fruity taste, this Italian wine is a fine blend for the couple with good taste. It’s a fusion of tart citrus, tangerine, juicy stone fruit and floral honey flavor. It’s a perfect wedding favor for your guests.

mini wine bottles Risata Moscato D Asti
mini-wine-bottles-Risata-Moscato-D-Asti-334x500.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-Risata-Moscato-D-Asti-334x500.jpg" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20Risata%20Moscato%20D%20Asti" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-Risata-Moscato-D-Asti-334x500.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-Risata-Moscato-D-Asti-334x500.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

It retails for $150, click this link to buy wine.

Barefoot Mini Wine Bottles

Barefoot mini wine bottles brand prides itself as the world’s largest wine brand. From Italian origins, it boasts of a healthy selection of wine styles. From red to pink, white to refresh and bubbly wine. You’d be spoilt for choice. It comes in ranges of Merlot, Shiraz, Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Pinky Grigio, Pink Moscato, Pink Zinfandel, and more.
This brand is one of the best package wines ideal for personalized gifts, and the value, even greater. From this company, we’ve rolled out five miniature bottles of wine, best for favors.

1. Barefoot Bubbly Brut

It is crisp, light, dry and restrained on the tongue. It is ideal for wine enthusiasts with classic taste buds. Made in California, it has little persistent bubbles. It’s made from green apples, jasmine, kiwi, and peaches, fused with the aroma of chardonnay.

mini wine bottles Barefoot Bubbly Brut
mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-Bubbly-Brut-334x500.png', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-Bubbly-Brut-334x500.png" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20Barefoot%20Bubbly%20Brut" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-Bubbly-Brut-334x500.png" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-Bubbly-Brut-334x500.png', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

It retails at $3.39 per bottle, buy here.

2. Barefoot White Zinfandel

On the ice, this American magic blend gives off a cocktail of southern flavors. A mix of strawberries, Georgia peach, pears and pineapples for maximum effect. It’s made from the fruity goodness of watermelon, confected green apples, red cherries, rosehips, rhubarb, and tart berries.

mini wine bottles Barefoot White Zinfandel
mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-White-Zinfandel-334x500.png', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-White-Zinfandel-334x500.png" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20Barefoot%20White%20Zinfandel" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-White-Zinfandel-334x500.png" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-White-Zinfandel-334x500.png', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

At $2.29 per bottle, buy here.

3. Barefoot Rose

From California, United State, the crush of cherries meet blush to create magic. An ideal wine for people who intimately unwind, it’s velvety on the tongue. Made out of cherries, watermelon, sweet lime and a hint of fizz, leaving a smooth juicy taste.

mini wine bottles Barefoot Rose
mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-Rose-334x500.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-Rose-334x500.jpg" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20Barefoot%20Rose" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-Rose-334x500.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-Rose-334x500.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

It retails at $2.29 per bottle. Buy here.

4. Barefoot Cabernet Sauvignon

This is a party delight that leaves a lush and lasting taste of berries and velvety vanilla on the tongue. Of Californian origins, it’s made out of red and black plums, vanilla cream soda and spring flowers. It’s of the still variety.

mini wine bottles Barefoot Cabernet Sauvignon
mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-Cabernet-Sauvignon-334x500.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-Cabernet-Sauvignon-334x500.jpg" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20Barefoot%20Cabernet%20Sauvignon" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-Cabernet-Sauvignon-334x500.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-Cabernet-Sauvignon-334x500.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

It retails at $2.29 per bottle. Buy wine here.

5. Barefoot Merlot

This Merlot leaves an aromatic taste of blackberry fruits, mocha, chocolate, sweet spices tinges, and herbs. Made in California, it appeals to persons who love sweet and spicy. Components are black pepper, dark chocolate, boysenberry, red cherry, plums, tannins, and violet.

mini wine bottles Barefoot Merlot
mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-Merlot-334x500.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-Merlot-334x500.jpg" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20Barefoot%20Merlot" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-Merlot-334x500.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-Barefoot-Merlot-334x500.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

It retails at $2.29 per bottle. Click here to buy.

How To Make Personal Mini Bottles

You’ve made sure to leave your touch on every aspect of the wedding. But one of the places to show some creativity is the wedding favors. Make the tiny bottle of wine into personal bottles by leaving your touch. Ideal for celebrations of any kind from the bridal shower to the bachelorette and wedding proper. Below are 10 great ideas to turn small wine bottles into personalized favors.

mini wine bottles wedding favors table decor
mini-wine-bottles-wedding-favors-table-decor-viva-rosa-334x500.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-wedding-favors-table-decor-viva-rosa-334x500.jpg" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20wedding%20favors%20table%20decor" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-wedding-favors-table-decor-viva-rosa-334x500.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-wedding-favors-table-decor-viva-rosa-334x500.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook
Source: Viva Rosa
  • Custom labels

Get your choice of wine and take out the label. Then get your custom label and paste it on. We love the ink your style foil labels from Etsy at $6.95. A sheet has 48 labels.

  • Accompanying tags

mini wine bottles craft paper tags thank you card
mini-wine-bottles-craft-paper-tags-thank-you-card-334x500.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-craft-paper-tags-thank-you-card-334x500.jpg" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20craft%20paper%20tags%20thank%20you%20card" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-craft-paper-tags-thank-you-card-334x500.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-craft-paper-tags-thank-you-card-334x500.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

For more sophistication, attach accompanying tags to the miniature bottles of wine wedding favors. The gracious kraft thank you tag with names and wedding date is especially great for a rustic themed wedding. It comes with a pre-cut which you can hang on the bottleneck. It sells for $7.86 on Etsy.

  • Confetti parade

Adorn your personal bottles of mini wines with confetti. First, you must brush the bottle with mod podge (check here to buy at $4.99). You may also substitute with white glue mixed with water. After this, roll the bottle in confetti of your choice. But since we are eco-conscious, check out this assortment of biodegradable confetti from Etsy at $10.23.

  • Love letters

Send love letters to guests directly from wine bottles. Let your guests know how much you love each other and how much you appreciate them. Remove the wine label by soaking in a combo or hot water and baking soda. Adorn the bottleneck with beautiful ribbons. Then use paint pens like the premium metallic pen to write lovely messages on the bottle. It retails at $6.49 for 10 pens on Amazon.

  • Glitz and glam

If you have a glam themed wedding in mind, a glittered wedding favor gives the perfect finish. Spread the glass portion with mod podge or white glue. Paste a bow ribbon to the neck of the bottle and cover with glue too. Sprinkle glitter all over the bottle and bow. Kiikooll slime glitter powder works perfectly for this. It comes in 12 containers of different colors at $7.69 on Amazon. With this assortment, you can create an ombre line up mini wine bottles favors.

  • Monogrammed wine cork stoppers

mini wine bottles monogrammed cork stoppers
mini-wine-bottles-monogrammed-cork-stoppers-334x500.jpg', null)" data-vars-social-target=" -> mini-wine-bottles-monogrammed-cork-stoppers-334x500.jpg" href=";=;=Where%20To%20Buy%20Mini%20Wine%20Bottles%20For%20Your%20Wedding%20%E2%98%85%20mini%20wine%20bottles%20monogrammed%20cork%20stoppers" rel="nofollow" class="icon-pinterest pin-nd">Pin It mini-wine-bottles-monogrammed-cork-stoppers-334x500.jpg" rel="nofollow" onclick="ga('send', 'social', 'Facebook', 'SC - Btn Click',' -> mini-wine-bottles-monogrammed-cork-stoppers-334x500.jpg', null)" class="icon-facebook wwm_socialshare_imagewrapper facebook_custom">Facebook

Stay on the minds of your guests even as they enjoy a bottle of wine. Throw in monogrammed cork stoppers in the mix. This is another way to churn out sophisticated wedding favors. They are unique and long-lasting. Check Etsy to buy.

  • Tulle and ribbons

Make it romantic by cutting tulle into fun patterns and tying it over the bottle with a ribbon. Tulle comes in beautiful colors, at $7.95 for 25 yards on Amazon. It’s ideal for beach and outdoor weddings.

  • Wine compact

Pick your favorite wine and pack it into a clear bag. Sprinkle confetti into this bag and seal it up with sparkly washi tape from Etsy at $2.13. This is a classy favor for formal weddings.

  • Picture perfect

The perfect opportunity to display your loved up photos is here. Make them into labels, add name and wedding date and stick to wine bottles. These bottles would later become flowers vases, pebble vases, and keepsakes.

  • Simply sweet

No much fuss on this DIY mini wine bottle decoration. Get fun paper straw from Etsy at $5.75, and tie it to the bottleneck with some ribbons. Simple, beautiful and sweet.

Mini wine bottles are one of the modern and unique weddings favor one can fine. The guests will even appreciate their small wine bottles the more, as they take a party home with them. We’ve put out a compilation of the best miniature wine bottles brands to look out for. And even if you want to customize the bottles yourself, see links to buy in this post. Do celebrate the good time in style.

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