Family Magazine

When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Art

By Kathybarbro @KathyBarbro

Today was a traveling day as we needed to visit a couple of different places that Hope Art connected with during their last trip to Haiti. Our adventure started with 6 people crammed into a small car that stalled at least once before we got out of the hotel driveway. About 1 mile later on a very narrow busy street we had a flat tire. So while the driver set out on foot to get a new one, we decided to make use of the time and install two large black and white photo prints we had made of kids from one of the orphanages. The original plan was to put them up at another location, but when an hour of your day is suddenly taken captive, it pays to improvise. So with some wheat paste and brushes, Jenni and Mimi got to work attaching our art to an abandoned gate. It was already getting some attention while we were there, I hope that grows with each day. The idea came from an organization called "Inside Out", which is committed to literally putting faces of its people, in its communities, all around the world.

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