Books Magazine

What to Read This Week: Most Anticipated Books of Fall (according to Amazon) Edition

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

Here are the books I’m adding to my to-read list this week and think you should too! And no, I did not add Dr. Sleep for the 4th time this week…but I was tempted…


The Maid’s Version by Daniel Woodrell: The reason I picked this book is not because it sounds like a mega-original, must read for fall bestseller, but because it’s set in my home state of Missouri.  Set in the 1920s it follows a maid from a prominent family whose sister is killed in a dance hall explosion.   Our heroine sets out to discover the cause of this explosion and thinks she discovers it’s roots in a “dangerous love affair.”  The story itself doesn’t sound too provocative.  I’m not really a fan of 1920s-30s true crime type books (mainly because I’ve been disappointed too many times) but just for the fact it’s written where I live I’m willing to give it a chance.


The Thinking Woman’s Guide to Real Magic by Emily Croy Barker: Written in the vein of Harkness’s A Discovery of Witches Nora the grad student finds herself transported into a strange new world after a series of shallow and self-pitying incidents lead us to hate her as a main character (okay, no, that’s not what the synopsis said…but that’s pretty much always how these books go and I’m feeling snarky and cynical today).  But now the fantasy world means humdrum and awkward looking Nora the grad student (again…why do they assume all grad students are ugly? is it because pretty girls don’t need advanced degrees?) because a beauty with a dashing, debonair suitor.  Only to discover the fantasy world is darker than it appears.  Dun dun dun!  Joking aside, this book actually does sound interesting.


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The Wolves of Midwinter by Anne Rice: Who can resist and Anne Rice novel in October?  It almost doesn’t matter what this book is about.  But it’s about “weremen” or wolf men.  So, basically, a Christmas time werewolf novel.  I have to admit I like the vampire stories best but I’m willing to give Rice’s wolves a chance just because I want something spooky to read over the Halloween/fall season.  Or thanksgiving.  Wolves make a good thanksgiving book too right?


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