Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

What's in My Handbag?

By Misslara16 @misslara
Most people have handbags, mostly I have school bags and a few clutches... Lol. So, I saw this on Sisi Yemmie's blog like 2 years ago but it crossed my mind and with the appropriate dose of boredom, I proceeded to do a post of what is naturally in my handbag. The handbag featured today is my favorite for school runs. It's huge and can take anything ranging from my laptop to textbooks etc.nits my favorite to go to class with, it was actually pretty affordable, I bought it from debenhams and it was on sale yay! So let's proceed to my hand/school bag.
What's in my handbag?
What's in my handbag?
What's in my handbag?
What's in my handbag?
What's in my handbag?
What's in my handbag?
What's in my handbag?

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