Hair & Beauty Magazine

What's Going On Behind The Scenes Over Here...

By Makemeupmandy @mandywebb28
So today is voting day and the blogosphere is rife with serious debate, serious presentations of facts and opinions. I have so much to catch up on since I have been back. The much talked about debate on TV that included a quarrel about what the bible actually says or doesn't actually say. The little piece of Yahoo news feature on gaffes of the campaign which included a pic of Mr. Abbott apparently sniffing a lady's hair that made me chuckle to myself.
But today, I won't chip in my 2 cents' worth of my humble political opinion on the blog.
Today is about random thoughts A.K.A. trying to get my head together again after returning from a long trip away.
As I have mentioned before, I always struggle to get back into routine. Don't we all? After not changing a diaper or showering any kids for more than a month (thanks to my lovely, dedicated parents & family who spent so much time with the kids!), anything becomes a real chore. I don't know what to cook today, I don't want to cook today. And I don't want to cook tomorrow or the day after either.
And as always, after each trip, Husband and I get hit by the blast of "DO WE REALLY WANT TO BE HERE?" question. I don't know what it is. Maybe after our travels each time, we come back and almost feel... weird to be settled. It is too quiet, too lonely, too boring, too meaningless.
We are a bit of a nomadic family. We have moved different states, different countries in the last 5 years. I hold my husband mainly responsible. I see my husband as a little bit of a free spirit, though he hates being called that.
I am the one who has to plan, who has to research, who has to think. Sometimes way too far ahead.
My husband is the free spirit who has the guts to accept a job in a different state without having found any accommodation yet. "No worries, if I can't find accommodation in the next couple of days, I'll just go sleep in a tent until I find one." And that was exactly what he did.
My husband is the free spirit who goes "Ok, in the next 2 weeks, I'm going to sell everything we own. Every single thing. And we're going to move to Singapore." And that was what happened.
And then when we had to come back to Australia, we had to start anew. No vehicle, no accommodation, nothing. Just 2 large suitcases of belongings. But it was all no big deal to my husband who is the free spirit who takes things as they come, does whatever he can and goes along with the sway of things. Sometimes, I admire his sense of adventure. He doesn't take life too seriously. Remember that saying: "Don't take life too seriously. No one comes out alive anyway!"
Alas, we find ourselves at a crossroad again.
We are toying with the idea of moving back to NT, or even moving overseas.
It is a big decision of course.
I have felt really annoyed with my blog being neglected. It's an emptiness niggling at me all the time. I don't feel obliged to fill the spaces. But I feel like it's time to sit on here and write again. It feels good to write. I love to write. It is cathartic.
So this is what's going on behind the scenes at the moment. We have some big decisions to make and it will take us again on a whole new path.
What's Going On Behind The Scenes Over Here...

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