Lifestyle Magazine

What Cool Mom’s Really Want for Mother’s Day

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita

What Cool Mom’s Really Want for Mother’s Day

You might be saying, “I’m not a cool mom” but you are! If you are reading my blog, you are one of the coolest! lol Think it, Dream it, Believe it! So Today I am posting about great gifts for cool, tired AF, happy, depressed, exhausted moms. So share with your hubbys and kids so you get the right gifts! No more workout clothes or handmade kiddie gifts this year! This is the year of YOU!

Having said all that, I know I’ve told you before I’m an Amazon Influencer and I have my own store front. So I’m going list out some must haves for your list! Remember: You are Loved, you are tired AF, You is a mom who wants some great gifts!

Cute Wrist Wallets and Purses!

Cute Beach Shirts!

Oversized Beach Towels. So plush!

Cool mom earrings for nights out or just looking cool by the pool!

Check them all out here Plus a lot more great ideas!:  

Just don’t let this Mother’s Day be boring. YOU deserve lots of ME time and fun stuff! 


Here’s a great Mother’s Day video for all you cool moms who have older kids! Be prepared to LOL:

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