The Western Tragopan – Jujurana – Tragopan melanocephalus, is a symbol of the grandeur of pheasants and is among the most beautiful of birds and aptly named the King of Birds . Jujurana, meaning “king of birds”, is the Indian name for the highly endangered pheasant – the Western Tragopan. There are supposedely less than 5000 birds alive today. It is found in the Western Himalayas, mostly around the forests of Himachal Pradesh.
The world distribution of WT is limited to parts of Pakistan, Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh. Its confirmed eastern limit of distribution is Himachal-Uttar Pradesh boundary at the junction of Kinnaur (HP) and Uttarkashi (U.P.) districts. This pheasant has been well recorded from the Great Himalayan National Park (Gaston et al 1993), and Rupi-Bhaba (Pandey1991b) and Daranghati wildlife sanctuary in Himachal Pradesh.
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