Hair & Beauty Magazine

Weird Beauty Secrets : Kim Kardashian's Bloody Vampire Facial

By Khaddu @LilMPerfect
How far would you go to stay gorgeous ? Do you fancy a "vampire" facial maybe ? Kim K sure is racing ahead of you by going the vampire way while you still sit there baffled by the very name ? So , what is the "vampire" facial ? Will it turn you into Bella Swan ? First of all do you want to turn into Bella Swan ? :P While you contemplate that let ME tell you what in the world a vampire facial is ...
A "vampire" facial is a exotic ( $1500 only) beauty treatment where 2 SPOONS-FULL of blood is drawn out from the arm . Then this blood is put through  a centrifuge to get rid of the platelets . And finally the remains are injected into the face using acupuncture needles . And voila you are Bella Swan ! :P Not ! 

Weird Beauty Secrets : Kim Kardashian's Bloody Vampire Facial

Source : Kim K on Instagram

 What prompted Ms. K to turn bloody gory ? Apparently , the vampire facial is said to promote rejuvenation of skin , boosts collagen production and gives plumper , smoother skin . BUT all this is only in theory . There is no "real" science to back this up ! Well, what would you expect from someone who named their daughter Knorth West ! 
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