Family Magazine

Weatherspoons Review

By Maxwell1212 @MummyToTheMax
Ben has been working a lot recently which means we have not had much family time to go out and enjoy ourselves however this weekend we have had a fantastic time as we had the chance to go for a lovely family meal at Weatherspoons.
Weatherspoons Review
In the past I was unsure if Weatherspoons was a family pub which was child friendly however once I had looked at Weatherspoons website I was able to see children were welcome. Whilst on the website I was able to see what Weatherspoons was the most local to us. It was easy to use and I was able to find out where one was situated straight away. We choose to go to The Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis which is situated in Ocean Village in Southampton.
Upon arrival we found there were plenty of parking spaces to park in, although it is £1 to pay a hour we were more than happy to pay this as Ocean Village is a lovely location to go to. Walking up to the Weatherspoons pub we found that it looked clean and friendly, there were lots of small tables outside which would be perfect for families to sit in and enjoy in the summer.
Weatherspoons Review
When inside the pub we found there were a range of tables for us to sit down at, some large and some small. I headed straight to the bar to ask a member of staff for a highchair. Although it was fairly busy, the staff were really friendly and managed to find me a highchair for Max to use straight away. We also managed to find him a small pack of colouring pencils to use on his child's menu which had a few activities to keep him entertained whilst we choose what meals we would like as well as wait for our food.
After looking through the menu, we went to the bar area to order our food and drinks. We had a short wait at the bar area as there was only one lady serving however once she had got to us she was extremely friendly and apologised for our very small wait. We carefully ordered our food and went back down to sit in our seats.
Weatherspoons Review
We choose to eat:
StarterNachos - Suitable for sharing - I am not keen on Nachos however Ben is a huge lover. The nachos were beautifully presented and were incredibly tasty. The cheese was soft, something which I am normally fussy about. There was quite a large portion and we found the starter was great value for money.
MainsMexican Burger - Ben had the Mexican burger. The burger itself was large and Ben choose to have it with onion rings and chips. Overall he said he really enjoyed his meal however the peppers which were in the burger were extremely hot and he ended up having to remove them. This is down to personal preference though and will vary from person to person.Beef Burger - I choose a beef burger. The burger came plain however I choose to add cheese, bacon and I also asked for onion rings as a side order. The burger tasted delicious and was cooked beautifully. Chicken Nuggets, Chips and Peas - Maxwell had chicken nuggets, chips and peas. The meal was a good size for Maxwell and he really enjoyed his meal. His meal also came with a pack of fruit which he loved eating as a desert.
Weatherspoons ReviewWeatherspoons Review
One of the things which really impressed me about Weatherspoons was there friendliness towards Max. Max was given children's cutlery, given activity to do which kept him entertained and was even asked personally had he finished his meal. I found this to be a really nice touch.
I was impressed to see that there were some healthy options included on the menu which are under 500 calories including salmon salads and skinny chicken breast burgers. I was also impressed to see that Weatherspoons are also advertising Christmas dinner this year. 
Overall we had a extremely positive experience. The staff were extremely friendly and although they were quite busy they were happy to go out of there way for us. When me and Ben next get some time to ourselves we are hoping to visit Weatherspoons again and then go on to the cinema which is situated next door. Whatever age you are Weatherspoons has something for everyone. Overall a huge thumbs up!
 I did not receive any financial reward for writing this review.However we did receive vouchers for Weatherspoons. Everything written in this post is my own, honest opinion.

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