Family Magazine

Watch Muppets Fans Go Berserk Over Awards Snub! #MuppetsMostWanted

By Parentingauthor @ParentingAuthor
Watch Muppets Fans Go Berserk over Awards Snub! #MuppetsMostWantedIf you watched the Golden Globes this weekend, I’m sure you noticed the stunning lack of nominations for the Muppets… In fact, Muppets’ fans are going crazy online over the fact that Muppets Most Wanted wasn't nominated for ANY awards this year. Check it out in the video below!

Can you believe it?! Here’s hoping that worldwide Muppet Mania will rectify the situation in 2014 with a slate of awards for our well-deserving furry, fuzzy (and one noticeably green) friends!
About Muppets Most Wanted:
Disney’s Muppets Most Wanted takes the entire Muppets gang on a global tour, selling out grand theaters in some of Europe’s most exciting destinations, including Berlin, Madrid, Dublin and London. But mayhem follows the Muppets overseas, as they find themselves unwittingly entangled in an international crime caper headed by Constantine -- the World’s Number One Criminal and a dead ringer for Kermit the Frog -- and his dastardly sidekick Dominic, aka Number Two, portrayed by Ricky Gervais. The film stars Tina Fey as Nadya, a feisty prison guard, and Ty Burrell as Interpol agent Jean Pierre Napoleon.
Muppets Most Wanted opens in theaters on March 21, 2014!
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Watch Muppets Fans Go Berserk over Awards Snub! #MuppetsMostWanted

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