Politics Magazine

Warren Jumps Into The Lead Among Democrats In Iowa

Posted on the 17 August 2019 by Jobsanger
Warren Jumps Into The Lead Among Democrats In Iowa
Warren Jumps Into The Lead Among Democrats In Iowa
The nomination season for presidential candidates begins with the Iowa caucuses. That makes it important for a candidate to do well in that state, and a win in Iowa could propel a candidate to wins in other states.
Last May, the big dogs in Iowa were Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders (both at 24%) and Pete Buttigieg at 14%. The campaign of Elizabeth Warren was off to a slow start, coming in fourth with 12%. Kamala Harris was in fifth with 10%. But a lot has changed since May.
In the August poll of Iowa Democrats, Warren now has a significant lead (28%) -- putting her 11 points ahead of Biden and Sanders (both at 17%), 15 points ahead of Buttigieg (13%), and 20 points ahead of Harris (8%).
Warren is the only one of the major candidates that has increased her support in Iowa since May -- going from 12% to 28%. All of the others have seen their support shrink.
These numbers are from the new Change Research Poll -- done between August 9th and 11th of a sample of 621 voters likely to participate in the Iowa caucuses. The margin of error is 3.9 points.

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