Hair & Beauty Magazine

Vote for Me as Best Beauty Blog, Pretty Please? :D

By Beautifulbuns

So I’ve made it as one of the top 10 finalists for Best Beauty Blog in the Singapore Blog Awards 2014 this year. :D


ta-dah! there I am! The list of the top 10 girls are here

Now, if you have just 1 minute to spare, please pretty pretty please cast a vote my way? It can only be done through Facebook (not my decision!), and just needs several clicks. See, I even went to screenshot the entire process so that you’ll know how easy it can be! Plus, you might win for yourself some prizes even if I don’t win :D

Step 1: Visit the voting page

  • You can get to the voting page either via the above page of the finalists or through this link. 

Step 2: Read through the voting instructions (which is just 5 lines)

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Step 3: Fill in your details (so that you can join the contest to win prizes)

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Step 4: Vote for meeee!

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Step 5: Come back the next day (and the next, and the next) cos one vote is allowed per day! Pretty pretty please?

pretty please2

Voting is open to everyone across all countries, as long as you have a Facebook account. All you have to do is visit this link. :D


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